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Brenda Hill
Brenda Hill writes novels, short stories, and features for her Southern California newspaper. Her first novel, Ten Times Guilty , received a four-star review from Romantic Times BOOKclub Magazine, and her short story, Puddles, was featured as a ‘Twelve-tissue Tearjerker’ in a national women’s magazine. Her second novel, Beyond the Quiet, was released in February 2009. Visit her website for tips for writing the modern novel. www.brendahill.com
Brenda Hill was also interviewed by WOW! Women On Writing in our July ‘07 Issue’s 20 Questions column.
Click below to read the articles.
Moira Allen
Moira Allen, editor of Writing-World.com, has published more than 350 articles and columns and seven books, including How to Write for Magazines, Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer,
The Writer’s Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals, and Writing.com: Creative Internet Strategies to Advance Your Writing Career.
Allen has served as columnist and contributing editor for The Writer and has written for Writer’s Digest, Byline, and various other writing publications. In addition to Writing-World.com, Allen hosts the travel website TimeTravel-Britain.com, The Pet Loss Support Page, and the photography website AllenImages.net. She can be contacted at editors[at]writing-world.com.
Moira Allen was also interviewed by WOW! Women On Writing in our April Issue’s 20 Questions column.
Click below to read the articles.
Sandy Tritt
The founder and CEO of Inspiration for Writers (InspirationForWriter's.Com), an editing and critiquing service for aspiring writers, she has edited hundreds of manuscripts. She is president emeritus of West Virginia Writers, Inc., the state's largest writing organization, and was the recipient of the 2002 Artsbridge Arts Award for Literature.
Her website is filled with great information for writers of all craft levels. Topics include dialogue, characters, POV, and grammar tips. Be prepared to spend some time here.
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