There is no question that Instagram is the best platform for spreading the word about your product, service, or content. If you’re a writer, you’re working with content, and in addition to writing articles and books, it’s a smart idea to form a fan base of readers and a pool of people who support you and share your life philosophy or point of view in general. Instagram today is about selling and forming a community, but that’s not all—here you can become somebody’s role model, speak about newsworthy topics, and work on your brand as an author.
In this article, we will talk about what benefits a woman writer can find on Instagram, and we’ll also speak about several ways to maximize these benefits and form a strong community around your profile, as well as a chance to buy Instagram followers and use native ads from local bloggers.
How social media platforms support feminism
Today, the feminist movement is becoming more widespread, and social media platforms are helping to reshape feminism by providing a level playing field. In Instagram, a series of hashtags are launched to bring awareness to a particular social problem related to women; and if you write in a language that does not have a large number of feminitives (and these are many languages), you have almost certainly encountered insufficient representation as a woman in literature. It’s extremely important to talk about this, and thanks to Instagram (it’s still the most socially oriented platform) it’s getting better and better.
Even if you’re not a feminist author—even if you write children’s fairy tales—you can build your following and share your journey as a woman author. It’s important for readers to see examples of authors on the rise, and you can do this by sharing your writing process, your acceptances and rejections, and your road to publication. By letting readers into your world, you’ll quickly form a fan base and loyal following.
A large and strong network of mutual assistance
But don’t just focus on garnering readers—in Insta, you will be able to find like-minded women writers from all over the world who will be happy to support you and will be mutually glad of your support. The easiest way to build followers is to get free advertising from those who are engaged in similar businesses. One way to do that is by connecting with other authors in your genre and encouraging each other to repost, share, and use writing hashtags.
If you are not satisfied with free PR or just want to ramp up your campaign, you can always turn to bloggers who provide good quality native advertising. Native advertising is content that matches the platform on which it appears—like an advertorial or sponsored post. Yes, you will need to pay for it, and you can find companies who offer this service by researching top ad platforms, but in the end you will be able to attract people to your page who will be interested in the topics you write about. We recommend that you approach the choice of such bloggers with attention, since the scope of their work will greatly affect the quality of the PR you will eventually receive. And yes, this is the benefit of native ads, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article!
What else is here for you?
The Instagram promotion sphere today offers a huge number of services, including the opportunity to buy real Instagram followers. Yes, having a large number of followers is useful, but there are a few nuances that you need to keep in mind: in particular, that you only need real subscribers (subs), not fakes and bots, which, on the contrary, will sink your channel in false interactivity with your page. The IG algorithms very clearly distinguish the first from the second, and it will be very difficult for you to get out of the shadow ban, which is a situation in which posts from your profile are no longer shown to people who are potentially interested in them.
Is targeted advertising necessary?
Yes, one hundred percent. Targeted advertising is a form of advertising that is directed towards your followers based on certain traits. You can implement this advertising right in Instagram by putting some money behind a post and targeting your audience by demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. It’s even worth saying that targeted advertising should accompany your account all the time, while you are running other campaigns. You can pay less from time to time and reduce audience reach, but in general, a targeted advertising campaign should always be running somewhere in the background of your profile. Of course, it can be expensive, but it is necessary to ensure a constant influx of real subs to your profile. If your goal isn’t to build a large audience, you don’t have to do it, of course. But we recommend trying out this method, especially when you are planning to shop your manuscript to a literary agent or are launching a new book.
Is that it? Are there any free promotional methods available?
Yes, but it is going to depend on your spare time and the level of development of your other social media platforms.
As a writer, we can suppose that you already have a Facebook page developed, and in terms of Instagram cross-posting, one platform will help build the other. This is when you take your posts from IG and share them on other social media platforms of yours where you have been able to gain some traction already. Tell your friends and colleagues about your new page, encourage them to share it everywhere, and don’t be afraid to obnoxiously ask for help; studies show that if people are feeling empathy towards somebody, they’re responding to such type of requests pretty positively.
If you don’t have other social media pages, you can try to find your audience by spending some time on sites you enjoy. Interact with other readers and authors on Goodreads, for example, and in thematic communities (pages that post news, lists, book reviews, etc.). This is a very nice way to showcase your Insta page in general and find your first readers and buyers of your content. However, it is going to take a lot of time, dedication, and precision from you; and if you don’t have that, either delegate the task or just focus on paid methods of promotion. These professional marketing services may give you better and quicker results.
Summing up
As a woman author, Instagram is a great place for you to find help, support, and empathy, no matter what you’re writing about. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and share your writing everywhere you can, encourage people to support you, and motivate them to join your “book club” or whatever you’re trying to organize on this platform!
Don’t hesitate to use the paid services as well, because these will take you to the wanted results way quicker and with less effort put in from your side. Concentrate on more important things—generating quality content and writing—and leave all the rest to the professionals.
Bio: Anastasia Yakovleva, Soclikes and Viplikes expert on social media platforms momentarily development tools. Knows how to make a page popular in a very short period of time and gives advice on it to novices.