You might know what to include in your dissertation, but you do not have any idea how to start. This common phenomenon is called procrastination and is quite common among writers. No matter how much you want to write, it is really difficult to get going. The worst part about it is that the deadline is really close.
What to do in such a situation? – There is no other option than to beat procrastination in a wise manner. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every dissertation writer. But you can follow some basic steps to remove it for the time being and finally complete your dissertation.
Hence, to learn how to beat procrastination, read on to the end of the article.
What Is Procrastination?
Procrastination happens when you want to delay or postpone a task or action (in your case, the dissertation!), and it results in negative consequences. Basically, it results from a lot of factors, including a lack of motivation, poor time management, fear of failure, etc.
In fact, procrastination is common in writing, especially when it is about academic papers like dissertations, research papers, case studies, etc.
One of the most characteristic features of procrastination is that it can take many forms. For instance, you might end up engaging in distractions, checking your social media constantly, or simply avoiding tasks and wasting your time on unnecessary frettings.
As a result, it affects your productivity and increases your stress. Moreover, you miss your deadlines and it ends up negatively impacting your personal and professional. Hence, it is important to understand the causes behind it.
Why Do Writers Procrastinate?
There are mainly two reasons why a dissertation writer might procrastinate – fear of failure and a lack of motivation. If you are fearing failure, it might be due to the fact that you want perfectionism inside your mind. Generally, people who have a fear of failure are perfectionists by nature.
If you have a fear of failure, it seems impossible to begin a task. Your mind says that if you do not try, you will never fail. Hence, without starting and writing a not-so-perfect thesis, you might find a reason to delay it in the first place. Also, there is a fear of being mediocre, which is another reason behind dissertation-writing struggles.
Additionally, many people overestimate how much motivation they will feel later. For instance, you might be tired right now, hungry, or might have something else to do. However, you might be motivated about starting your paper tomorrow at the earliest.
But guess what? You will find another reason not to write tomorrow. Realistically speaking, it takes a lot of practice on a regular basis if you want to complete a dissertation successfully.
How to Beat Procrastination? – Steps to Follow
The following are some essential steps you need to follow if you want to beat procrastination:
1. Lower Your Expectations
Most people who write dissertations aim for 500-600 words a day. For a starter, it might feel a lot. Hence, you must try out with a lower target of 250-300. Do it every day for a few days. In fact, the results will amaze you.
Moreover, you also have to remove your distractions. This will allow you to focus better. For example, if you feel your home has a lot of distractions, sit in a library to write your dissertation. Also, need to consider what works best for you the best.
2. Work with Another Writer
One of the ways of completing your dissertation is to work with another writer, who is trying to complete too. For instance, you can discuss the topics and what to write about and not down important points in a notebook.
A great thing about this technique is that your fear of failure will fade away soon. Basically, if you write around someone else, you will also not lack motivation.
On a side note, if you do not feel confident about completing the dissertation on your own, you can use experts from the Ivory Research dissertation writing service. They will not only complete your dissertation but will also ensure you score really well on it. In fact, your dissertation will be one of the best since an expert is writing it for you.
3. Utilize Your Weekends and Use Productivity Tools
If you cannot get up early or work during midnights, it is better to utilize your weekends. For instance, you can befriend Saturday afternoons. Apart from indulging in something leisurely, use that time to complete your dissertation.
To make the most of your time, you must start using productivity tools as well. If you procrastinate, you probably struggle with time management. In this case, you can use a timer system that blocks out time segments, which allows you to be productive.
4. Punch the Keys!!!
As soon as you sit down to write, open your dissertation file and start typing what you have noted down during research. Of course, you need to write your dissertation carefully and be steady, but you do not need to lose your flow of writing.
5. Stay Away from Coffee
Not everyone will inform you, but coffee is terrible for concentration. Hence, if you want to enhance your concentration to complete your dissertation, stay away from intoxicants like tea or coffee. Have some water instead, and try to focus on your research notes.
6. Start the Mental Battle
Before you sit down to write your dissertation, get a mental idea of what you want to write about. For instance, think about your writing the dissertation and its points while you have quiet moments. In fact, a great way to start is to compose a paragraph in your head. (Pro tip: write it down, if possible, in a notepad or your phone, or else you might forget it)
Wrapping Up
It is not a great thing to procrastinate while your deadline is soon approaching. Before things get worse, you need to make the most of what you have and start writing soon. But firstly, you need to plan how you want to solve your problem and gather your research in one place. This will allow you to start your dissertation at once.