B2B: Woman to Woman:
Literary Magazines Seeking Creative Non-Fiction
Get published in 2007!
If you've been thinking about submitting your work to magazines for publication, then The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers is your ultimate resource. No other guide covers magazine markets as in-depth as this one does. It's easy to use format and helpful articles make this a must-have for freelancers and unpublished writers.
The 1,730 magazines featured within are the best of the best in terms of their openness to new writers and their payments to freelancers. The magazines included published nearly 110,000 articles and stories last year alone. 15,829 of those were previously unpublished authors and more than 29,000 were by writers new to that magazine!
I have one of these guides and I can't recommend it enough. The book is a hefty 750 pages, complete and comprehensive; it covers a wide variety of subjects... from literary fiction to antiques and collectibles. So, if you're planning on making the most out of your freelancing, try The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers 2007 and you're bound to find the perfect home for your work.
Below are a few sample listings, courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications. These listings brought to you courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications - please do not reprint or republish any of these listings without written permission from The Writer's Institute Publications and wow-womenonwriting.com.
Another Chicago Magazine
3709 North Kenmore
Chicago, IL 60613 Managing
Editor: Jocelyn Eighan
Description and Interests Fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry are presented in this Chicago-based literary publication. Published twice a year, it presents the work of new and well-known authors. Circ: 2,000.
Website: www.anotherchicagomagazine.com
Freelance Potential 95% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 85 freelance submissions yearly; 30% by unpublished writers, 60% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 500 mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy and guidelines, $8. Send complete ms between February 1 and August 31 only. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions. SASE. Responds in 2-3 months. First North American serial rights. Articles, word lengths vary. Fiction, to 25 pages. Poetry, to 4 pages. Written material, payment rates vary. Pays on publication. Provides a 1-year subscription. |
Alligator Juniper
Prescott College
220 Grove Avenue
Prescott, AZ 86301
Managing Editor: Miles Waggener
Description and Interests Alligator Juniper, an annual literary journal, features poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and photography from artists at all stages of their careers. Its editors would like to see more submissions of lyric essays. Circ: 1,500. Website: prescott.edu
Freelance Potential 95% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 50 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers; 80% by authors new to the magazine. Receives 150 queries monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy, editorial calendar, and guidelines, $7.50. Query between May 1 and October 1 only. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 4-6 months. First rights. Fiction and nonfiction, word lengths vary. Poetry, no line limit. B/W prints. All material, payment rates vary. Pays on publication. Provides 2 author's copies. |
Creative Nonfiction
5501 Walnut Street, Suite 202
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Editor: Lee Gutkind
Description and Interests Compelling, focused, and detailed essays with a distinctive voice make up the pages of this literary journal. Each essay leaves the reader with an idea or concept to learn and each issue explores a particular theme. Circulation: 4,500
Website: www.creativenonfiction.org
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 50 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 90% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 200 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 3-5 months. * Articles: Word lengths vary. Literary journalism; personal experience pieces; profiles; interviews; book reviews; and creative nonfiction on any topic.
Rights and Payment First reprint, syndication, and electronic rights. Written material, $5-$10 per published page. Pays on publication. Provides 1 contributor's subscription and additional copies at a 50% discount. |
Crab Orchard Review
Department of English,
Southern Illinois University
1000 Faner Drive Carbondale, IL 62901-4503
Managing Editor: Jon C. Tribble
Description and Interests This literary journal, published twice each year by Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, features high quality contemporary poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and interviews. Circ: 3,000. Website: www.siu.edu/~crborchd
Freelance Potential 97% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 80-100 freelance submissions yearly; 3% by unpublished writers, 65% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 700-900 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy and guidelines, $8. Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 8-12 months. First North American serial rights. Articles and fiction, to 20 pages. Poetry, 3-6 poems per submission. All material, $50-$100. Pays on publication. Provides 2 contributor's copies and a 1-year subscription. |
Feminist Studies
0103 Taliaferro
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Managing Editor: Karla Mantilla
Description and Interests This digest publishes an interdisciplinary body of feminist knowledge that addresses social and political issues that intimately and significantly affect women and men in the U.S. and around the world. Circulation: Unavailable
Website: www.feministstudies.org
Freelance Potential 98% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 20 freelance submissions yearly; 15% by unpublished writers, 90% by authors who are new to the magazine, 100% by experts. Receives 12 unsolicited mss monthly. Submissions Send 2 copies of complete ms with abstract for articles. Send 1 copy and disk for fiction. Accepts hard copy, disk submissions, and email submissions to info@feministstudies.org. No simultaneous submissions. SASE. Responds in 6 months. *Articles: 35 pages. Informational articles; creative nonfiction; position papers; and manifestos. Topics include feminist theory, politics, and the women's movement. * Fiction: 30 pages. Contemporary and literary fiction. * Other: Poetry, no line limit.
Rights and Payment Rights negotiable. No payment. Provides 2 copies. |
Five Fingers Review
P.O. Box 4
San Leandro, CA 94577
Editor: Jaime Robles
Description and Interests Original, innovative literature and visual art are featured in Five Fingers Review. Each of its yearly issues is dedicated to a special social or aesthetic theme. It considers poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, and translations. Circ: 1,000.
Website: www.fivefingersreview.org
Freelance Potential 95% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 50 freelance submissions yearly; 5% by unpublished writers, 5% by authors who are new to the magazine, 90% by experts. Receives 100 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy and guidelines, $7 with 7x10 SASE ($3 postage). Send complete ms between June 1 and August 30. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 4 months. One time rights. Fiction, to 8,000 words. No payment. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
New Millennium Writings
P.O. Box 2463
Knoxville, TN 37901
Fiction, Poetry, or Nonfiction Editor
Description and Interests Contemporary writers contribute fiction, nonfiction, and poetry to this award-winning literary journal. Interviews and profiles of famous authors are other regular features. Circulation: 3,000 Website: www.newmillenniumwritings.com
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 80% by new authors. Receives 50 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions Send complete ms between March and May only. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 3 months. *Articles: To 5,000 words. Creative nonfiction; confession pieces; humor; profiles; interviews; and tributes. Topics include travel, writing advice, and graphic arts. * Fiction: To 6,000 words. Contemporary, historical, and experimental fiction; Westerns; adventure; science fiction; mystery; fantasy; romance; and magic. * Depts/columns: To 6,000 words. Humor, 300 words. * Artwork: B/W prints.
Rights and Payment First North American serial rights. Articles and fiction, $50. Interviews with authors, $100-$300. Pays on publication. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
Kestrel: A Journal of Literature and Art
Fairmont State University
1201 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV 26554
Editor: Mary Stewart
Description and Interests This literary journal is devoted to the arts. Published twice each year by Fairmont University, it welcomes submissions of literary fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, translations, and artwork. Circ: 500. Website: www.fairmontstate.edu
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40 freelance submissions yearly; 30% by unpublished writers, 60% by authors who are new to the magazine, 10% by experts. Receives 75-100 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy and guidelines, $12 with 7x10 SASE ($1.30 postage). Send complete ms with cover letter and biography. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 6-8 months. First serial rights. Nonfiction and fiction, to 25 double-spaced, typed pages. Poetry, 6-10 poems. No payment. Provides 3 contributor's copies. |
Western Humanities Review
255 South Central
Campus Drive, Room 3500
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0494
Fiction, Nonfiction, or Poetry Editor
Description and Interests Since 1947, this literary journal has featured the work of some of America 's most distinct voices, including Ursula Le Guin and Raymond Carver. It offers a mix of articles, fiction, creative nonfiction, and essays in two issues each year. Circ: 1,000. Website: www.hum.utah.edu/whr
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 50 freelance submissions yearly; 25% by unpublished writers, 25% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 200 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy, $10. Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 3-5 months. First North American serial rights. Articles, 10,000 words. Fiction, 7,000-8,000 words. Written material, $5 per published page. Pays on publication. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
The Yale Review
P.O. Box 208243
New Haven, CT 06520 -8243
Editor: J. D. McClatchy
Description and Interests The Yale Review is the nation's oldest literary quarterly, tracing its history back to 1819. It welcomes freelance submissions of poetry, reviews, short fiction, and essays. Circ: 8,000. Website: www.yale.edu/yalereview
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 120 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 10% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 400 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy, $10 with 9x12 SASE ($1.25 postage). Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. No simultaneous submissions. SASE. Responds in 2 months. First rights. Articles and fiction, word lengths vary. Poetry, no line limits. Written material, payment rates vary. Pays on publication. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
University of New Mexico
Gallup, NM 87301
Editor: Dr. Florentin Smarandache
Description and Interests Paradoxism is an annual online publication featuring nonfiction, short stories, and poetry. All material is related to paradoxism or the excessive use of antitheses. Creative work containing contradictions, oxymorons, and paradoxes are also featured in each issue. Hits per month: 500. Website: www.gallup.unm.edu
Freelance Potential 80% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 25-30 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 70% by new authors. Receives 3-4 queries monthly. Submissions and Payment: Sample copy, guidelines, and theme list, free with $.39 postage. Query. Accepts email queries to smarand@unm.edu. Responds in 1 month. Rights vary. Articles and fiction, 2-3 pages. Poetry, 1 page. No payment. |
Quarterly West
255 South Central
Campus Drive
LNCO 3500
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9109
Editors: Mike White & Paul Ketzle
Description and Interests Offering a mix of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and reviews, this literary journal prides itself on working with both established and emerging writers. Appearing twice each year, it is published by the University of Utah. Circ: 2,100.
Website: www.utah.edu/quarterlywest
Freelance Potential 99% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 105 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 40% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 400-500 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy and guidelines, $7.50. Send complete ms between September 1 and April 30 only. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 3-6 months. All rights. Written material, word lengths vary; $15-$500. Pays on publication. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
The Literature of Food
P.O. Box 776
New York, NY 10163
Co-Editors: Peter Selgin & Paulette Licitra
Description and Interests Food is the subject of this literary journal appearing twice each year. It features fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, all with food-related themes. Published for literature and food lovers, Alimentum is the only literary review that concentrates on the topic of food. Circ: Unavailable.
Website: www.alimentumjournal.com
Freelance Potential 98% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40+ freelance submissions yearly; 95% by authors who are new to the magazine.
Submissions and Payment: Guidelines available at website. Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 1-3 months. First North American serial rights. Articles and fiction, word lengths vary. Poetry, to 5 poems per submission. No payment. Provides 1 contributor's copy. |
A Literary Journal
P.O. Box 537, Stn Q
Toronto, Ontario M4T 2M5
Managing Editor: Rebecca Silver Slayter
Description and Interests Cultural issues, literature, and art are the focus of this literary journal. The work of beginning writers appears alongside the work of world-renowned writers on art in each issue. Circulation: 5,000 Website: www.brickmag.com
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 30 freelance submissions yearly; 20% by unpublished writers, 30% by authors who are new to the magazine, 50% by experts. Receives 30 queries, 30 unsolicited mss monthly. Submissions Send complete ms for nonfiction; query for fiction. Accepts hard copy and email to submissions@brickmag.com (Microsoft Word or RTF attachments). SAE/IRC. Responds in 5 months. * Articles: 500-2,500 words. Creative nonfiction; opinion pieces; profiles; and interviews. Topics include culture, the arts, history, music, nature, the environment, travel and leisure, and writing. * Fiction: Word lengths vary. Literary fiction.
Rights and Payment First serial rights. Written material, $100-$350. Pays on publication. Provides a 2-year subscription.
Editor's Comments Works of fiction and poetry are solicited by the editors; complete manuscripts will be returned unread. |
Concho River Review
P.O. Box 10894
ASU Station
San Angelo, TX 76909
Editor: Mary Ellen Hartje Description and Interests This literary journal is published twice each year. It features quality fiction, essays, poetry, and reviews of emerging and established writers from Texas and the southwestern U.S. Its is currently seeking more fiction and nonfiction submissions. Circ: 300. Website: www.angelo.edu/dept/english
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 60 freelance submissions yearly; 35% by unpublished writers, 50% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 40 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy, $5. Guidelines available at website. Send complete ms with cover letter. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 6 weeks. First rights. Articles, 1,500-5,000 words. Poetry, 3-5 poems. Book reviews, 500-1,000 words. No payment. Provides 1 copy. |
Green Mountains Review
Johnson State College
Johnson, VT 05656
Fiction Editor: Leslie Daniels
General/Poetry Editor: Neil Shepard
Description and Interests Green Mountains Review features the work of both well-known authors and emerging writers. Published twice each year, it offers short stories, nonfiction, and poetry. Circ: 1,500.
Website: www.greenmountainsreview.jsc.vsc.edu
Freelance Potential 100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 80 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 60% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 250 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy, $7. Guidelines available at website. Send complete ms between September 1 and March 1 only. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 3-6 months. First serial rights. Articles, word lengths vary. Fiction, 200-1,000 words. Poetry, no line limits. Written material, $25 as grants allow. Pays on publication. Provides 2 contributor's copies and a 1-year subscription. |
Left Curve
P.O. Box 472
Oakland, CA 94604-0472
Editor: Csaba Polony
Description and Interests Exploring cultural forms, this artist-produced critical magazine includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork. It appears annually. Circ: 2,000.
Website: www.leftcurve.org
Freelance Potential 75% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 25 freelance submissions yearly; 5% by unpublished writers, 30% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 150 queries, 100 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy and guidelines, $10 with 9x12 SASE ($1.42 postage). Query or send complete ms. Accepts hard copy, Macintosh disk submissions, and email submissions to editor@leftcurve.org. SASE. Responds in 1-4 months. Rights negotiable. Articles and fiction, to 5,000 words. Poetry, to 8 pages. No payment. Provides 3-5 contributor's copies. |
For a complete list, check out the guide: The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers 2007 30-day free trial!
These listings brought to you courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications - please do not reprint or republish any of these listings without written permission from The Writer's Institute Publications and wow-womenonwriting.com. |