B2B: Woman to Woman:
Literary Magazines Seeking Submissions
Get published in 2007!
If you've been thinking about submitting your work to magazines for publication, then The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers is your ultimate resource. No other guide covers magazine markets as in-depth as this one does. It's easy to use format and helpful articles make this a must-have for freelancers and unpublished writers.
The 1,730 magazines featured within are the best of the best in terms of their openness to new writers and their payments to freelancers. The magazines included published nearly 110,000 articles and stories last year alone. 15,829 of those were previously unpublished authors and more than 29,000 were by writers new to that magazine!
I have one of these guides and I can't recommend it enough. The book is a hefty 750 pages, complete and comprehensive; it covers a wide variety of subjects... from literary fiction to antiques and collectibles. So, if you're planning on making the most out of your freelancing, try The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers 2007 and you're bound to find the perfect home for your work.
Below are a few sample listings, courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications. These listings brought to you courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications - please do not reprint or republish any of these listings without written permission from The Writer's Institute Publications and wow-womenonwriting.com.
African American Review
Saint Louis University
Humanities 317
3800 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis , MO 63108
Editor: Joycelyn Moody
Description and Interests
The African American Review features the works of writers and scholars of African American literature and culture. Each issue also includes poetry and book reviews.
* Contents: 40% articles; 40% book reviews; 10% fiction; 10% poetry
* Frequency: Quarterly
* Distribution: 100% subscription
* Circulation: 2,000
Website: https://aar.slu.edu
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 25% by authors who are new to the magazine, 65% by experts. Receives 20 unsolicited mss monthly.
Send complete ms with biography. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 4-6 months.
* Articles: 2,500-5,000 words. Scholarly articles; essays; and interviews. Topics include African American literature, theater, film, art, and culture.
* Fiction: 2,500-5,000 words. Literary fiction.
* Other: Poetry, no line limits; to 6 poems per submission. Book reviews, word lengths vary.
Rights and Payment
Author retains rights. Articles and fiction, $50. Book reviews, $25. Pays on publication. Provides 1-3 copies.
Editor's Comments
This journal provides a forum for writers and scholars who want to explore African American literature and traditions. |
The Bitter Oleander
4983 Tall Oaks Drive
Fayetteville, NY 13066-9776
Editor & Publisher: Paul B. Roth
Description and Interests
Published twice each year, this award-winning literary
journal publishes poetry and short fiction of the highest imaginative quality. It is currently seeking more image-laden, honest, and inspirational works, and fewer narrative pieces. Circ: 2,000.
Website: www.bitteroleander.com
Freelance Potential
99% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 120 freelance submissions yearly; 5% by unpublished writers, 50% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 20 queries, 200+ unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Guidelines available at website. Query or send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 1 month. First rights. Articles, to 2,500 words. Poetry, no line limit; to 8 poems per submission. No payment. Provides 1 contributor's copy. |
Blue Mesa Review
Department of English
University of New Mexico
MSC03-2170, Humanities 274
Albuquerque , NM 87131-0001
Editor: Julie Shigekuni
Description and Interests
Published twice each year, the Blue Mesa Review presents outstanding and innovative poems and stories, as well as essays, book reviews, and interviews. Creative nonfiction is also a part of the editorial mix of this literary journal. Circ: 1,000.
Website: www.unm.edu/~bluemesa
Freelance Potential
99% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40-75 freelance submissions yearly; 5% by unpublished writers, 75% by new authors. Receives 75 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy and guidelines, $12. Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 3-6 months. First North American serial rights. Nonfiction and fiction, 25 pages or to 7,500 words. Reviews, to 7 pages. Poetry, to 6 pages; to 4 poems per submission. No payment. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
American Literary Review
University of North Texas , Department of English
P.O. Box 311307
Denton , TX 76203-1307
Genre Editor
Description and Interests
Poetry, fiction, personal essays, memoirs, literary journalism, and experimental nonfiction make up the contents of the American Literary Review, which targets
a largely academic readership.
* Contents: 55% poetry; 40% fiction; 5% articles
* Frequency: Twice each year
* Distribution: 90% subscription; 10% other
* Circulation: 1,000
Website: www.engl.unt.edu/alr
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40-50 freelance submissions yearly; 90% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 300 unsolicited mss monthly.
Send complete ms between September 1 and May 1 only. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 3-4 months.
* Articles: Word lengths vary. Creative nonfiction, essays, literary journalism, experimental nonfiction, and book reviews.
* Fiction: Word lengths vary. Literary and contemporary fiction.
* Other: Poetry, no line limit; to 5 poems per submission.
Rights and Payment
First serial rights. No payment. Provides 2 copies.
Editor's Comments
We have always made it a point to publish excellent work from writers at all stages of their careers. Please send only one story or essay per submission. |
Alternative Harmonies Literary & Arts Magazine
1830 Marvel Road
Brierfield , AL 35035
Editor: Jerry Hardesty
Description and Interests
Readers who enjoy poetry and literary prose subscribe to this quarterly publication, which is illustrated with line art and photography. Its editor places no restrictions on nonfiction topics, and fiction may be of any genre. Circ: 350.
Website: www.newdawnunlimited.com
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 200+ freelance submissions yearly; 50% by unpublished writers, 60% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 20 queries, 20-30 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy, guidelines, and theme list, $3 with 6x9 SASE. Query or send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds to queries in 1 month, to mss in 3-6 months. One-time rights. Written material, word lengths vary. B/W photos and line art. No payment. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
Chautauqua Literary Journal
P.O. Box 613
Chautauqua , NY 14722
Editor: Richard Forester
Description and Interests
Founded in 2003, this literary journal is published annually and looks for high-quality fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and book reviews. It welcomes submissions from both new and experienced writers and prefers material that takes literary risks. Circ: 1,100.
Website: https://writers.ciweb.org
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 52 freelance submissions yearly; 2% by unpublished writers, 80% by authors who are new to the magazine.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy, $10. Guidelines available at website. Send complete ms for fiction, articles, and poetry. Query for book reviews. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Response time varies. First rights. Articles and fiction, to 7,000 words. Poetry, to 4 poems per submission. No payment. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
Bellingham Review
MS 9053
Western Washington University
Bellingham , WA 98225
Editor-in-Chief: Brenda Miller
Description and Interests
This literary magazine features high quality creative non-fiction, short stories, and poetry. It is published twice each year, and also offers an annual writing competition. Circ: 2,000.
Website: www.wwu.edu/~bhreview
Freelance Potential
99% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 50 freelance submissions yearly; 50% by unpublished writers, 80% by new authors. Receives 200 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy and guidelines, $7. Send complete ms between October 1 and February 1. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 3-6 months. First North American serial rights. Fiction, to 8,000 words. Poetry, no line limits; 3-5 poems per submission. No payment. Provides 1 contributor's copy and a gift subscription. |
Kelsey Review
Mercer County Community College
P.O. Box B
Trenton , NJ 08690
Co-Editors: Katherine Matthews & Edward Carmien
Description and Interests
Writers who live or work in Mercer County contribute stories, poems, essays, and novel excerpts to this literary journal, which is published each September. Previously unpublished material on any topic is welcome. Circ: 2,000.
Website: www.mccc.edu
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 25 freelance submissions yearly; 75% by unpublished writers, 50% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 10 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy, free at local newsstands. Send complete ms by May 1 of each year. Accepts hard copy. Mss are not returned. Responds 1 month after deadline if interested. Rights vary. Essays and fiction, to 2,000 words. Poetry, to 6 poems per submission. No payment. Provides 5 contributor's copies. |
Notre Dame Review
840 Flannery Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame , IN 46556
Managing Editor
Description and Interests
Appearing twice each year, Notre Dame Review offers an eclectic mix of fiction, essays, and poetry. Circ: 1,500.
Website: www.nd.edu/~ndr/review.htm
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 50% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 200 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment: Sample copy and guidelines, $6. Send complete ms September through November or January through March. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 3-12 months. First North American serial and future anthology reprint rights. Fiction and essays, to 5,000 words; $25. Poetry, word lengths vary; pays small honorarium. Pays on publication. Provides 1 contributor's copy |
Paterson Literary Review
Passaic Community College
1 College Boulevard
Paterson , NJ 07505-1179
Editor: Maria Mazziotti Gillan
Description and Interests
This multicultural literary review features poetry, prose, and reviews by well-known and up-and-coming writers. It was established in 1979.
* Contents: 10% fiction; 90% other
* Frequency: Annually
* Distribution: 40% subscription; 30% newsstand; 30% other
* Circulation: 1,000
Website: www.pccc.edu/poetry
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 150 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 30% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 2,000 unsolicited mss monthly.
Send complete ms between December 1 and March 31 only. Accepts simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 6 months.
* Articles: To 1,500 words. Literary, multicultural, and ethnic fiction.
* Artwork: B/W glossy prints. Line art, woodcuts, and lithographs.
* Other: Poetry, to 2 pages; to 5 poems per submission.
Rights and Payment
First North American serial rights. No payment. Provides 1 contributor's copy.
Editor's Comments
We look for high quality poetry and prose from writers of many races and ethnicities. Please do not submit formula fiction. |
Sycamore Review
Purdue University , Department of English
500 Oval Drive
West Lafayette , IN 47907-2038
Poetry or Fiction Editor
Description and Interests
The pages of this literary journal feature fiction, drama, poetry, creative nonfiction, and translations. Published twice each year, it is interested in nonfiction essays, memoir pieces, and prose poems. Circ: 1,000.
Website: www.cla.purdue.edu/sycamore
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40-60 freelance submissions yearly; 15% by unpublished writers, 75% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 200 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy and guidelines, $7. Send complete ms between August 1 and March 1 only. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 3-4 months. First North American serial rights. Articles, word lengths vary. Fiction, to 10,000 words. Poetry, 3-5 pages. No payment. Provides 2 copies. |
Vestal Review
2609 Dartmouth Drive
Vestal , NY 13850
Editor: Mark Budman
Description and Interests
Launched in 2000 and published quarterly, Vestal Review offers only flash fiction-stories no longer than 500 words. Romance, Westerns, and inspirational stories are not accepted, but other genres are welcome. Circ: Unavailable.
Website: www.vestalreview.net
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 30 freelance submissions yearly; 25% by unpublished writers, 50% by authors who are new to the magazine, 75% by experts. Receives 200 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy, $5 with 9x12 SASE (3 first-class stamps). Guidelines available at website. Send complete ms. Accepts email submissions to submissions@vestalreview.net. Responds in 3 months. First North American serial rights. Fiction, to 500 words; $.03-$.10 per word. Pays on publication. Provides 1 contributor's copy. |
Wascana Review
Department of English
University of Regina
Regina , Saskatchewan S4S 0A2
Editor: Michael Trussler
Description and Interests
A refereed journal of contemporary poetry and fiction, Wascana Review appears twice each year. It encourages submissions of both traditional and cutting-edge work covering a wide variety of themes. Its primary criterion for selection is careful craftsmanship. Circ: 350.
Website: www.uregina.ca/english/urhome/htm
Freelance Potential
95% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 63 freelance submissions yearly; 15% by unpublished writers, 70% by authors who are new to the magazine.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy, $7. Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. SAE/IRC. Responds in 3 months. First North American serial rights. Articles and fiction, word lengths vary; $3 per printed page. Poetry, no line
limits; $10 per printed page. Pays on acceptance. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
West Wind Review
1250 Siskiyon Boulevard
Ashland , OR 97520
Description and Interests
Since 1981, this annual literary journal has featured short stories, poetry, and artwork from an international community of writers and artists. Its material is diverse in nature and reflects creative thought. Circ: 500.
Website: www.sou.edu/english/westwind
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 35 freelance submissions yearly; 25% by unpublished writers, 80% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 50 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy, $7. Send complete ms with cover letter between May 15 and December 1 only. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 3-5 months. First North American serial rights. Fiction, to 10,000 words. Poetry, to 5 poems per submission. B/W prints and line drawings. No payment. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
The Yalobusha Review
Department of English
University of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1848
University , MS 38677-1848
Editor: Chris Stokes
Description and Interests
Since 1995, this literary journal has been seeking quality short stories, creative nonfiction, poetry, and black and white artwork to fill each of its annual issues. Circ: 1,000.
Website: www.olemiss.edu/yalobusha
Freelance Potential
97% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 30+ freelance submissions yearly; 20% by unpublished writers, 95% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 200 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions and Payment:
Sample copy, $5. Guidelines available at website. Send complete ms with cover letter and brief author biography. Accepts hard copy. No simultaneous submissions. SASE. Responds in 2-4 months. First North American serial rights. Articles and fiction, to 25 pages. Poetry, to 10 poems per submission. Provides a small honorarium and 2 contributor's copies. |
Zoetrope: All-Story
916 Kearny Street
San Francisco , CA 94113
Managing Editor: Krista Halverson
Description and Interests
Zoetrope: All-Story was launched 10 years ago by Francis Ford Coppola to showcase innovative writing by bright young authors. It presents short stories and one-act plays in a format that is designed to explore the intersection of story and art, fact and fiction.
* Contents: 85% fiction; 15% other
* Frequency: Quarterly
* Distribution: 100% controlled
* Circulation: 30,000
* Website: www.all-story.com
Freelance Potential
100% written by nonstaff writers. Publishes 40 freelance submissions yearly; 5% by unpublished writers, 75% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 750 unsolicited mss monthly.
Send complete ms between September 1 and May 31 only. Accepts hard copy and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 7 months.
s Fiction: To 7,000 words. Literary and mainstream short stories and one-act plays.
Rights and Payment
First North American serial rights. Written material, $1,000. Pays on publication. Provides 10 contributor's copies, more on request.
Editor's Comments
We are fairly strict about our 7,000-word limit for short stories and plays, and we will consider only one story or play at a time. Check our magazine for details about our fiction and screenplay competitions. |
For a complete list, check out the guide: The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers 2007 30-day free trial!
These listings brought to you courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications - please do not reprint or republish any of these listings without written permission from The Writer's Institute Publications and wow-womenonwriting.com. |