B2B: Woman to Woman:
Get published in 2007!
If you've been thinking about submitting your work to magazines for publication, then The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers is your ultimate resource. No other guide covers magazine markets as in-depth as this one does. It's easy to use format and helpful articles make this a must-have for freelancers and unpublished writers.
The 1,730 magazines featured within are the best of the best in terms of their openness to new writers and their payments to freelancers. The magazines included published nearly 110,000 articles and stories last year alone. 15,829 of those were previously unpublished authors and more than 29,000 were by writers new to that magazine!
I have one of these guides and I can't recommend it enough. The book is a hefty 750 pages, complete and comprehensive; it covers a wide variety of subjects... from literary fiction to antiques and collectibles. So, if you're planning on making the most out of your freelancing, try The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers 2007 and you're bound to find the perfect home for your work.
Below are a few sample listings, courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications.
These listings brought to you courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications - please do not reprint or republish any of these listings without written permission from The Writer's Institute Publications and wow-womenonwriting.com.
10940 South Parker Road, #508
Parker, CO 80134
Editor: Sandy Whelchel
Description and Interests
As the "in-house" publication for the National Writers Association, Authorship provides information on all aspects of writing, including the business end of it. Poetry is published in the winter issue.
- Contents: 60% articles; 39% depts./columns; 1% other
- Frequency: Quarterly
- Distribution: 100% controlled
- Circulation: 3,000+
- Website: www.nationalwriters.com
Freelance Potential
90% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 35 freelance submissions yearly; 35% by unpublished writers, 40% by authors who are new to the magazine, 30% by experts. Receives 15 unsolicited mss monthly.
Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy, IBM disk submissions (Microsoft Word or WordPerfect), and simultaneous submissions if identified. SASE. Responds in 3 months.
- Articles: 800 words. Informational and how-to articles; profiles; and interviews. Topics include the creative and business aspects of writing.
- Depts./columns: Word lengths vary. News, grammar tips, and book reviews.
Rights and Payment
First serial rights. Written material, $10. Pays on publication. Provides 2 contributor's copies.
Editor's Comments
Articles slanted toward aspects of fiction - such as creating characters and setting scenes - are of interest to us. Humor is a plus. |
The Christian Writer's Newsletter
1624 Jefferson Davis Road
Clinton, NC 29325-6401
Editor & Publisher: Sandy Brooks
Description and Interests
Persons involved in the Christian publishing industry read this magazine for tips on writing that meets the highest biblical and professional standards.
- Contents: 50% articles; 50% depts./columns
- Frequency: 6 times each year
- Distribution: Unavailable
- Circulation: 1,000+
- Website: www.cwfi-online.org
Freelance Potential
50% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 30 freelance submissions yearly; 10% by unpublished writers, 10% by authors who are new to the magazine, 80% by experts. Receives 50 unsolicited mss monthly.
Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy and e-mail submissions to cqarticles@cwfi-online.org. SASE. Responds in 2 months.
- Articles: 800-1,200 words. Informational and how-to articles. Topics include market requirements, business management, tax information, legal issues, editorial concerns, and conferences.
Depts./columns: Devotionals, to 600 words. Filler, to 100 words. Poetry, to 8 lines; 3 poems per submission. |
P.O. Box 656
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, NE99 1PZ
Deputy Editor: Melanie Ashby
Description and Interests
Women writers find humor, inspiration, and information in this publication, which contains pertinent articles for getting published, using alternative media, finding a writer's voice, and writing workshops and competitions. It also features articles on contemporary writers.
- Contents: Articles/ depts./columns
- Frequency: Quarterly
- Distribution: 100% subscription
- Circulation: 10,000
- Website: www.mslexia.co.uk
Freelance Potential
50% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 40-50 freelance submissions yearly; 20% by unpublished writers, 20% by authors who are new to the magazine, 60% by experts. Receives 20 queries monthly.
Query with synopsis and writing samples. Accepts hard copy and e-mail submissions to postbag@mslexia.demon.co.uk . SAE/IRC. Response time varies.
- Articles: Word lengths vary. Informational and how-to articles; personal experience and self-help pieces; interviews; and profiles. Topics include writing, literature, technique, agents, research, creativity, freelancing, and publishing trends.
- Depts./columns: Word lengths vary. Book reviews and essays.
Rights and Payment
Rights, payment rates, and payment policy vary.
Editor's Comments
We cater to furthering the creativity of women writers of all levels, and welcome material for every part of our magazine. We also conduct an annual poetry competition. |
P.O. Box A
North Stratford, NH 03590
Editor: Dana K. Cassell
Description and Interests
This monthly newsletter's main purpose is to help serious, professional freelance writers and book authors of the Writers-Editors Network build their businesses and maximize income. It is seeking articles on setting rates for various types of freelance writing and editing.
Freelance Potential
20% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 48 freelance submissions yearly; 50% by authors who are new to the magazine. Receives 4 unsolicited mss monthly.
Submissions & Payment
Sample copy, $3. Guidelines and sample copy available at website. Send complete ms. Prefers e-mail submissions to submissions@writers-editors.com. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Responds in 2-3 days. One-time rights. Articles, to 750 words; $ .10 per word. Pays on publication. Provides 1 contributor's copy. |
3877 North 65th Avenue, Suite 201
Omaha, NE 68104
Editor: Carol Lindsay
Description and Interests
An online publication, Fiction Fix offers instructional articles for aspiring novelists and short story writers. Topics covered range from story structure, characterization, and editing, to time management and overcoming writer's block. Interviews with well-known authors are also featured. Fiction Fix is updated monthly. Hits per month: 7,000.
Freelance Potential
90% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 12 freelance submissions yearly. Receives 1 unsolicited ms monthly.
Submissions & Payment
Sample copy and guidelines available at website. Query for articles; send complete ms for depts./columns. Accepts hard copy and e-mail submissions to administration@coffeehouseforwriters.com. SASE. Responds in 1 month. One-time rights. Articles, 800-1,000 words. Depts./columns, 500 words. No payment. |
1129 Woodmere Avenue, Suite B
Traverse City, MI 49686
Editor: Jim Barnes
Description and Interests
Published monthly, this free e-zine provides marketing advice for independent authors and publishers. Its articles focus on the marketing, promotion, and production of independently published books and cover the technical aspects of publishing. It also contains profiles of successful authors and publishers. Hits per month: 7,500.
Freelance Potential
10% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 5 freelance submissions yearly; 50% by authors who are new to the magazine, 5% by experts. Receives 2 queries monthly.
Submissions & Payment
Sample copy and guidelines available at website. Query with synopsis. Accepts email queries to jimb@bookpublishing.com. Responds in 2 weeks. Electronic rights. Articles, 1,000-3,000; $40-$100. Kill fee, 10%. Pays on publication. |
P.O. Box 3229
Bournemouth BH1 1ZS
United Kingdom
Editor: John Jenkins
Description and Interests
Launched in 1995, Writers' Forum zeroes in on the "how, what, and why" of writing for those who have been published, and those who would like to be. It covers all genres of fiction and nonfiction writing.
- Contents: 70% articles; 20% fiction; 5% depts./columns; 5% other
- Frequency: Monthly
- Distribution: 80% newsstand; 15% subscription; 5% controlled
- Circulation: 25,000
- Website: www.writers-forum.com
Freelance Potential
50% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 360 freelance submissions yearly; 20% by unpublished writers, 30% by authors who are new to the magazine, 50% by experts. Receives several queries monthly.
Query. SAE/IRC. Responds in 2 weeks.
- Articles: 1,200-1,800 words. Informational, self-help, and how-to articles; personal experience and opinion pieces; profiles; and interviews. Topics include technology, writing, business management, editing, freelancing, marketing, self-publishing, and resources.
- Fiction: By invitation only.
Rights and Payment
First British serial rights. Payment rates vary. Pays on publication. Provides 11 contributor's copies.
Editor's Comments
We would like to see more articles about how our readers have achieved success in the field of writing. |
P.O. Box 11
Titusville, NJ 8560
Fiction, Nonfiction, or Poetry Editor
Description and Interests
Richly-detailed, illuminating fiction, personal experience pieces, and poetry as well as thoughtful interviews characterize this recently launched literary magazine. It targets readers who are curious about new writing.
- Contents: Articles; fiction; poetry
- Frequency: Twice each year
- Distribution: Unavailable
- Circulation: 1,000+
- Website: www.writersnotes.com
Freelance Potential
90% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 30-50 freelance submissions yearly; 80% by unpublished writers, 80% by authors who are new to the magazine, 20% by experts. Receives 250 unsolicited mss monthly.
Send complete ms. Accepts hard copy. SASE. Response time varies.
- Articles: 250-5,000 words. Essays; commentaries; and opinion pieces. Topics include the craft of writing, current trends, and social and multicultural issues.
- Fiction: 250-5,000 words. Contemporary, mainstream, and literary fiction.
- Other: Poetry.
Rights and Payment
One-time publication and one-time anthology rights. Written material, $5-$150. Pays on publication. Provides 1 contributor's copy.
Editor's Comments
Our focus is on fresh, professional work that's off the beaten path. We seek a broad spectrum of writing that engages the reader with an uncommon insight, experience, or idea. We'd like to see more poetry, nonfiction, and humor. Please consult our submission guidelines. |
7000 West 3 rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Editor: Richard Stayton
Description and Interests
Published by the writers Guild of America, this magazine is written by and for screen and television writers. Articles offer a look at the creative process of Hollywood from the writer's point of view.
- Contents: 60% articles; 35% depts./columns; 5% other
- Frequency: 9 times each year
- Distribution: 10% subscription; 2% newsstand; 88% other
- Circulation: 12,000
- Website: www.wga.org
Freelance Potential
60% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 10-15 freelance submissions yearly; 5% by unpublished writers, 20% by authors who are new to the magazine, 50% by experts. Receives 20 queries, 5 unsolicited mss monthly.
Query or send complete ms. Accepts e-mail to writtenby@wga.org. Response time varies.
- Articles: 1,500-2,500 words. Informational articles; opinion pieces; profiles; and interviews. Topics include writing for screen and television, the entertainment industry, and screen and TV writers.
- Depts./columns: 800 words. Book reviews, and writing for screen and TV.
- Artwork: B/W or color slides, and prints.
Rights and Payment
First world and electronic rights. Articles, $100-$2,500. Depts./columns, payment rates vary. Pays on publication. Provides 5 contributor's copies.
Editor's Comments
We're looking for stories on new media, including the Internet, cell phones, and downloads. |
Western Writers of America
Box 29 Star Route
Encampment, WY 82325
Editor: Candy Moulton
Description and Interests
A mix of articles, news and tips covering the craft of Western writing appears regularly in this magazine. Published by and for members of Western Writers of America, it appears six times each year. Circ: 1,000.
Freelance Potential
80% written by non-staff writers. Publishes 30 freelance submissions yearly; 5% by unpublished writers, 5% by new authrs, 100% by experts. Receives 1-2 mss monthly.
Submissions & Payment
Sample copy and guidelines, $5 with 9x12 SASE (7 first-class stamps). Send complete ms with artwork. Prefers e-mail to candywwa@aol.com (no attachments). Accepts hard copy and IBM disk submissions. SASE. Responds in 2-4 months. First rights. Articles, 1,500-3,000 words. B/W and color prints or slides. No payment. Provides 2 contributor's copies. |
For a complete list, check out the guide: The Best of the Magazine Markets for Writers 2007 30-day free trial!
These listings brought to you courtesy of The Writer's Institute Publications - please do not reprint or republish any of these listings without written permission from The Writer's Institute Publications and wow-womenonwriting.com. |