Chatting With Jennifer DeChiara
WOW!’s root system is developing well. It feels natural to tap a WOW! tradition (!) for the Editors’ Desk. When we aren’t able to get face-to-face for our interviews, we look forward to solidifying our new friendships with a spontaneous phone chat!
It really isn’t as selfish as it might seem on the surface. The interaction helps us bring you more of the true spirit of the women serving you: the writers, authors, editors, agents, publishers and readers.
When we do research and handpick women we feel are able to offer what you’re coming to expect when you visit WOW!, the one thing we don’t always know is the heart and sense of humor. We’re extremely blessed with all who have contributed from our first issue on, because everyone has had a big heart and a good sense of humor.
Be assured that you will thoroughly enjoy our chat with Jennifer.
We were talking just after she had gotten back from a writer’s conference on the chilly east coast. We touched on some good information from her interview, about writers trying to make contact with the agents. We were touched by Jennifer’s comment that she felt like she had accomplished what she set out to do. She “managed to speak to each writer and that made me feel good!” Of course, those writers went home feeling good themselves, no doubt.
Angela and I had to say that agents overall don’t have a strong reputation for having the goal of wanting to speak with each writer, even two minutes. (Just a note to our Readers, two minutes may not seem long to a lot of people, but giving writers two minutes with an agent of choice--uh, any agent--can be a long sought after dream come true.) Jennifer said if agents aren’t careful they can become like Rock Stars, where power can go to their heads.
Speaking along the same vein, she acknowledged how tough the world can be to one with a dream. We’d all have to agree with that statement. And, that stress can impair some authors’ judgment when trying to approach agents at a conference.
We started talking about one of Jennifer’s authors, Bonnie Neubauer (enjoy her article this month). She referred to how Bonnie and her husband met, we got some insight right up to the Barnes & Noble wedding. It was easy to tell how well she knows her clients. And, how much she cares for them. When we commented on that, she said what was obvious to us, “Each client is special. I feel they’re all my children. It has made my life rich just to know these people.”
Bonnie certainly returns the sentiment, just read how quickly she realized that she liked Jennifer after meeting her.
Jennifer has a well-earned reputation for working “too hard.” Her promptness, professionalism and generosity have elevated our excitement level here. The hours she keeps would diminish the lifespan of a long-burning candle considerably. How does she keep up the pace? She loves what she does. “It doesn’t feel like work. I feel that writers bring their lives to me. If they are willing to work hard, then so am I.”
One of our favorite parts of our great conversation was Jennifer’s description of what it is like for her to meet someone new. “Each person I meet is like opening a present. You take off the ribbon and as you start peeling back the layers of paper you discover different talents, different goals. It’s like crashing into someone’s world.” We feel certain anyone would be thrilled to suddenly find Jennifer in her world.
Just because she is enjoying her life and work so much, doesn’t mean that Jennifer doesn’t have a goal. She’s working relentlessly toward the goal of expanding the Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency. From all we can see, that is one reasonable goal and we wish her all the best.