Money Matters
As writers, we pursue our craft with ink pumping through our veins, with a passionate search for clarity, all the while, hoping that someone will take notice of our efforts and those efforts will be fruitful; and sometimes, yes, sometimes, we forget that writing is a business like any other.
Let’s face it. We’re all concerned with money matters, or we should be. Even if you are a fiction writer creating the next Great American Novel, you need to consider your finances in this tough economy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the type to think doom and gloom. My true feeling is that the economy is getting better, but taking charge of your finances isn’t about surviving, it’s about empowering yourself as a writer.
This issue tackles many of the tough money questions many aspiring and professional writers need answered. How do you set up a retirement plan? What about health insurance? What are some of the mistakes other writers make when planning a fulltime career? What are some of the tax issues to consider as a freelance writer? How can you survive as a writer during a recession? What is the best way to make money online?
The experts in this issue provide you with a ton of take-away on each topic. My best advice for digesting this issue is to read all the articles, follow the necessary links, print the resource pages, and make notes in the margin. Or bookmark the individual articles so you can come back and explore the links when you are ready.
So, without further ado, let’s explore money matters!
A big, warm, thank you goes out to our freelancers and staff members:
We welcome freelancer Allena Tapia to the WOW! family and thank her for sharing the Fatal 5: Finance Mistakes Writers Make. Not only does she point them out, she shows us how to avoid them and shares the lessons learned.
We also welcome freelancer Rachel Olivier to the WOW! family and applaud her for providing us with health insurance options for freelancers and the self-employed. With more and more companies cutting health insurance benefits, this article is timely for all who want to stay healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Another big thank you goes to WOW! columnist Marcia Peterson for conducting a fascinating roundup from freelance writers and authors across the country. Instead of our normal 20 Questions column with 1 author, we have 1 big question answered by 20 authors: What are you doing to adjust to these tough economic times? The tips and advice in this article are fantastic, and they help you learn How to Survive as a Writer During a Recession.
We welcome back freelancer Thursday Bram and thank her for her article, How To Set Up a Retirement Plan. She takes a lot of the guesswork out for writers, and reminds us that we’re never too young to start planning for our futures.
All this talk about money makes me want to take a vacation! But that’s one of the things many of us are cutting out of our lives to save money. It is possible though, especially when you combine travel with writing. We welcome freelancer Amy Robertson (who is also interning with WOW! as a graphic designer). We are thrilled with her inspiring interview with Gina Greenlee. Take a trip to far-off countries, solo no less, and find out why Gina’s book, Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments On the Road, is more than just a travel book—it’s about women cultivating a nurturing relationship with themselves.
And, if you are interested in blogging, check out an article I originally wrote for Premium-Green entitled, Get a Blog, Get a Job! It goes a little more in-depth than some of our previous blogging articles, but there’s something for everyone—from the beginner to the pro.
And where would I be without my talented senior editor, Annette Fix? Well, I’d probably still think my blogging article didn’t need editing...even though it was in desperate need! Thanks, Annette, for your big red pen and your attention to detail.
If you are looking for a freelance editor to polish your manuscript, website content, query letter, or book proposal, Annette now offers editing and development services. You can find out more by visiting She is offering a 10% discount for WOW! subscribers now through the month of May. Just mention WOW! Women On Writing to receive your discount!
Now, on to the issue...enjoy!