WOW! Women On Writing Sponsors Award for Best Book in Women's Literature

The annual literary awards were established to honor writers who self-published or had their books published by a small press, university press, or independent book publisher geared for the North American reading audience. POD books are accepted.
Reader Views Literary Awards are open to all authors regardless of residency, however, the books must be published in the English language and targeted for the North American market. Work published by major book publishers, their subsidiaries, or their imprints are not eligible. Books must have 2007 copyright date. Submission for more than one category or more than one title is acceptable. Books that have racist themes will be not be accepted.
Regional or Global entries may refer to the book's topic or the author's residency. For example, an author living in Alberta writing about a plot in Alabama may enter Canada-West as a regional author and/or the South-East as a regional book. Or, an author living in the UK writing about a plot in Texas may enter Global EU as well as Regional S.
All initial judging will be done by reviewers from Reader Views. They are experts in their fields as well as avid readers. Consider them your reading audience. Criteria for judging is content/originality, presentation/design, innovation, social relevance, and production quality. Five semi-finalists in each category will be determined by a point system. Final judging will be determined by a jury of judges.
If the reviewers/judges feel the book is worthwhile of readership they will supply reviews which will be forwarded to you. The reviews will also be posted on Reader Views or Reader Views Kids as well as our weblog and We cannot guarantee the timing when you will get the reviews, however, we will attempt the best we can to review/judge your book as soon as it is submitted. Each book, whether it gets a review or not, will be issued a critique. You will receive the critque for your own information. A critque will not be posted. Keep in mind, the sooner you submit your book, the sooner you will get a review and critique. The review will be in a form of tear sheet and you may use it for your marketing purposes. Please do not wait until deadline date to submit your book if your book is now in print. It is only fair to other authors, who publish late in the fall, to use this deadline date.
General AwardsFive semi-finalists will be chosen in each category. First and second place winners will be awarded in each category. Third place will receive an honorable mention.
Each will receive a certificate and the remaining semi-finalists will receive a certificate of placement. All certificates will be dated for year 2008.
Semi-finalists will be announced in our weekly e-mail newsletter on March 3, 2008 and the finalists on March 31, 2008, or earlier. The sooner we get the books in to judge, the sooner we can announce the awards.
WOW! Women on Writing Award for the Best Book in Women's Literature
Award: $100 cash prize. Sponsored by Wow! Women On Writing
Criteria: May be either fiction or nonfiction. Book must express all the conflicts and struggles influencing women as well as growth and transformation. Qualifying female writers must write with this commonality and keep feminine awareness in mind.
Find out more: book award, women's book awards, women's literature award, WOW Women On Writing Sponsors book award