“What job cuts?” asks Katie Rose Hope, CEO of RAND Publishing. “We’re actually hiring. We are looking for writers who can assist with our rapidly growing The Skinny On™ book series and so we have created a contest to attract writers.”
The Skinny On™ book series now has four books in print and is moving quickly, adding a title every month or so. The four books now available are The Skinny on Credit Cards, The Skinny on The Housing Crisis, The Skinny on Willpower and The Skinny on Real Estate Investing. Books in the works include “skinnies” on income taxes, online dating, entrepreneurship and insurance.
The Skinny On™ books are unique in length, format and content. Modeled after the highly popular Japanese literary form Manga, these books are illustrated with story-line, dialogue, a moderator and humor. With changing font sizes, bold and italicized print and lots of white space these books can be read in about an hour or so. What is extraordinary, however, and why The Skinny On™ series is gaining universal acclaim among educators, journalists, bloggers and reviewers is the conciseness and precision of the delivery of content.
The Skinny On™ books are a synthesis of all that has been written and studied on a particular subject. The reader walks away with a general understanding of sometimes confusing and difficult topics. For those who want more information, there are bibliographies and suggestions for further reading.
Because of the growing popularity of the series, The Skinny On™ has six new books in production with the goal of 25 – 35 books within 12 months. “We are thrilled with the response we are getting,” says Hope. “We plan on being a major player in the production of substantive but easy-to-understand content. We work very hard at making it all flow so easily.”
Continues Hope, “It may be unconventional to utilize a contest as a means of hiring, but we don’t aim to be a conventional publishing company after all! We’re rapidly expanding our team because that’s what these books are all about: quick production, quick information, and most of all, quick reads.”
Contest Details:
Contest participants are to submit a ten-page sample which mimics The Skinny On™ book series’ simple and comical style of exploring a topic and educating characters Billy and Beth, as told through their point of view. Winner will receive a $1,000 prize and may have the opportunity to join The Skinny On™ writing team permanently. Participants can view sample writing and learn the books’ style at www.theskinnyon.com.
Deadline: July 2nd at 5:00 PM EST. The winner will be announced on Friday July 17th.
Submit: Send submissions to Mike Cassidy at mcassidy@randmediaco.com
Good luck!
Labels: book contest, Rand publishing, theskinnyon, writing contest