Gemini Magazine’s 2010 Short Story Contest
Ready to sharpen your story story writing skills? Take a look at the competition listed below. Gemini Magazine, which bills itself as the place for “fiction, poetry, a little craziness & more”, is looking for entries for their 2010 Short Story Contest. The First Place winner will receive $1,000, Second Place gets $100,and there will be three honorable mentions. They’re looking for all kinds of short fiction, such as novel excerpts, flash fiction, experimental, etc. There aren’t any restrictions on content, style, genre or length. There’s a fee of $4.00 for each entry you submit. New and established writers can enter, and all finalists will be published in the June 2010 issue. Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2010. Go to the magazine’s site here to check out the magazine and for additional contest guidelines. They accept both online and postal mail contest submissions. Check it out and best of luck to all who enter! Labels: call for submissions, short story contest, writing contests
WOW! Call for Submissions: YA Issue
 Young adult (YA) books are selling despite the economy. Adults and teens both seem to enjoy reading these books, which can be about many of the typical teen issues: suicide, peer pressure, dating, drugs, and cliques. Vampires and werewolves have practically taken over the YA section at the bookstores right now thanks to the Twilight series; and YA authors, like Ellen Hopkins author of Crank, are constantly on Twitter, Facebook, and their blogs, talking about censorship. Angela has decided to dedicate March's WOW! issue to YA! She has also asked me to be a guest editor for the issue. I am thrilled and can't wait to work on this exciting issue about the YA market. I love YA! Here are some ideas we had about topics for articles/interviews in the YA issue: - Interviews with YA authors about the craft of writing and marketing YA.
- Interviews with YA editors or agents and what they’re looking for. What aren’t they getting?
- Should YA authors find an agent or editor or does it matter?
- YA authors and social networking/blogs: Do they target their teen fans or their writing colleagues or both? Special challenges of having teen fans.
- What makes a book YA? The difference from tween and middle grade.
- Edgy subjects in YA: are there any that are too edgy? What about language?
- The use of technology in YA books—when does it date your ms? Do you need to put in e-mail, texting, Twitter and so on in contemporary novels now? How does having cell phones change the plots of novels?
- YA non-fiction: What types of subjects are authors writing about now for teens? Is this an “easy” sale for authors and publishers?
- Trends: Is everybody writing about vampires? What’s the hot thing coming up? Should you write about trends?
We’re open to any ideas you may have for this issue. Please review our past children’s issues to check for YA topics we’ve already covered: If you have an idea for an article or interview, please query us at submissions (at) wow-womenonwriting (dot) com.
Writer’s Guidelines: Pay: $50 - $150 per article. Looking forward to reading your queries, Margo Dill
Labels: call for submissions, Margo Dill, submissions to WOW, YA
Call for Submissions: The Short Story Radio Romance Award 2010
Hey to all romance writers out there! Short Story Radio, a website based in the U.K. that promotes both the short story genre and short story writers through recordings of short stories via their website and podcast are announcing a new contest. Called The Short Story Radio Romance Award 2010, romantic fiction writers have the opportunity to have their winning entry recorded for broadcast and receive a cash prize. To enter, send only the synopsis and and the first part of your story, up to 2,500 words by December 17, 2009. The entry fee is £6 (about $9.79 USD) per story. Only short-listed entrants will be asked to send the second part of the story. The winning story will be recorded and broadcast by a professional actor as a high-quality production with incidental music, and appear in two episodes on the Short Story Radio website and podcast. The winner will also receive a cash prize of £150 (about $235 USD) and the title of winner of the Short Story Radio Romance Award 2010. Interested? Take yourself over to the Short Story Radio site here:, best of luck! Labels: 'The Short Story Radio Romance Award 2010', call for submissions, Jill Earl, writing contests
Creative Nonfiction Wants Your Animal Stories!
If you want to give a shout-out about your Sheltie, or your turtle turns somersaults, or if your Persian’s the coolest cat out there, then here’s the contest for you! The folks at Creative Nonfiction are on the lookout for some fab tales about animals. Check it out below. Call for Submissions: Animals Postmark deadline: November 13, 2009  Essays must be unpublished, 5,000 words or less, and clearly marked “Animals” on both the essay and the outside of the envelope. There is a $20 reading fee (or send a reading fee of $25 to include a 4-issue CNF subscription). Multiple entries are welcome ($20/essay). The top winner will receive a $1000 prize for Best Essay, and the runner-up will receive a $500 prize. Send your entry, along with a cover letter with complete contact information, SASE and payment to: Creative Nonfiction Attn: Animals 5501 Walnut Street, Suite 202 Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Go here for more about the contest: to find out more about the journal itself, glance at Creative Nonfiction: Okay, animal lovers, get to writing! And, best of luck! Labels: call for submissions, Creative Nonfiction, writing contests
Call for Submissions: Women and Horses Anthology
We received this call from editor, Cornelia Durrant, for her upcoming anthology about Women and Horses: Description: We are looking for original, real-life stories by women about a deep connection, or extraordinary experience, with a horse. They can be stories from the barn, the trail, the racetrack, or the outback, but they will all in some way explore the nature of the relationship between women and horses, and its challenges, gifts, and surprises. The anthology will be published in 2009 by Seal Press. Pay: $200 will be paid for the essays included. Length: Submissions should be between 2,000 - 4,000 words. Deadline: October 15, 2008 How to Submit: Please send submissions or questions to the editor, Cornelia Durrant, at Labels: call for submissions, essays, horse anthology, women and horses
Faith, Hope, and Joy: The Unexpected Side Effects of Cancer BY: Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles Friends, Here is an exciting opportunity for you to be published in a new book by bestselling author, Dr. Bernie Siegel, in a story collection entitled Faith, Hope, and Joy: The Unexpected Side Effects of Cancer. The book will be published early in 2009, and will consist of stories from cancer patients, their family, and friends. Bernie will follow-up the stories with his own thoughts and professional observations on the topic and the stories themselves. We are looking for INSPIRATIONAL, TRUE first-person stories that will fit in with the themes of faith, hope, and joy as positive side effects of a battle with cancer. Each story should be at least 1,000 words but no more than 2,500 words in length. Please send double-spaced versions only, in 12 point font Times New Roman, and send them as a WORD attachment. Should your story be selected by the editors, you will receive a $50 permission fee and a copy of the hardcover book. Your name will appear at the end of your story, and a one paragraph contributor bio will be included in the back of the book. We are accepting submissions for Faith, Hope, and Joy until December 15, 2007. Please INCLUDE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, AND EMAIL ADDRESS AND submit stories to: DUE TO THE VOLUME OF SUBMISSIONS, ONLY FINALISTS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY THE EDITORS. Sample stories are available for you to read at: __________________________________________________ Labels: call for submissions
Call for Submissions
WOW! needs you! If you've every thought you'd like to write an article for WOW!, here's your chance. Upcoming Themes: Oct. Children Nov. Agents Dec. Authors Jan. Readers Feb. Romance Columns, Word Counts and Pay Rates: Twenty Questions $50 Freelancer's Corner less than750 Words $25 Freelancer's Corner up to 1,500 Words $50 How 2 1,500 – 2,000 Words $75 Inspiration 1,500 – 2,000 Words $75 Feature Articles up to 3,000 Words $150 You may either query with an idea or send the complete article to me at submissions@wow-womenonwriting.comWe try to respond within two months but sometimes it takes a bit longer so please be patient. Helpful tips: Send your best work. Read a couple back issues to get the feel for the WOW! style. Please, no attachments! If you aren't sure about an idea, query me. Tell me about your idea and I'll get back with you. I look forward to hearing from you and working with you. Jean Labels: call for submissions
Call for Submissions: Seeking Women's Non-fiction Writers
Casagrande Press Seeks Golf, Fishing, Surfing & Wedding Nonfiction Misadventure Stories for Publication Casagrande Press is seeking golfing, fishing, surfing, and wedding stories for four upcoming anthologies. (Golf’s Greatest Misadventures, Fishing’s Greatest Misadventures, Surfing’s Greatest Misadventures Vol. 2, and Weddings’ Greatest Misadventures)
The press is looking for nonfiction, first-person misadventure stories such as those involving bad judgment calls, pranks, comical/ironic episodes, disaster, animal attacks, misfortune, injury, loss of wit, panic, temper flare-ups, rough weather, critical conditions, trip or game meltdowns, everyday fears, bizarre injuries, etc. The editors are looking for well-written stories that tell a good tale, reflect a culture, and develop character depth while maintaining a tight narrative tension. There is no fee to submit a story. Writers paid upon publication.
Submit online at Deadlines vary for each book. Labels: call for submissions, casagrande press, wedding misadventures, women's non-fiction
Accepting short fiction & poetry for the 5th issue of the literary journal ginosko. Editorial lead time 1-3 months; accept simultaneous submissions and reprints; receives email & postal submissions. Length flexible. Copyright reverts to author. Publishing as semiannual ezine--summer & winter. Moving towards printed version to be distributed throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Selecting material for anthology. Downloadable issues on website: circulation 2200+. Also looking for artwork, photography, CDs to post on website and links to exchange. ginosko (ghin-oce-koe)To perceive, understand, realize, come to know; knowledge that has an inception, a progress, an attainment. The recognition of truth by experience. GINOSKO LITERARY JOURNALRobert Paul Cesaretti PO Box 246 Fairfax CA 94978 Labels: call for submissions, literary journal, poetry, short fiction
The bestselling Cup of Comfort book series is actively seeking uplifting true stories for five new volumes. Stories must be uplifting, original, and 1000-2000 words. Preference given to narrative nonfiction stories that read like fiction. $500 grand prize; $100 ea. all other stories published, plus copy of book. No entry fee. Email submissions to; no attachments; 1 story per email; include your name and mailing address. Writer's guidelines: (click on Share Your Story). A Cup of Comfort for Single MothersAs Oprah Winfrey has often said, parenting is the most difficult and important job in the world. It can be even tougher for single mothers, who face all the usual parenting challenges plus a whole set of unique ones. But single motherhood also brings many untold rewards. For this anthology honoring single mothers, we seek inspiring personal stories that speak to the challenges, positive experiences, and extraordinary relationships of single mothers and their children. The majority of stories in this collection will be written from the single mother's point of view, but the book will also include some stories written by children of single mothers as well as by third parties with intimate knowledge of the single mother and her children. Submission Deadline: 3/30/07 (Last Call!)A Cup of Comfort for Horse LoversThis anthology celebrating the powerful, almost magical, bond between horses and humans will feature inspiring true stories that reveal the extraordinary impact these magnificent creatures have on the people who ride, own, raise, train, race, care for, and rescue them. We want stories that portray horses as companions, helpers, messengers, healers, teachers, heroes, and inspirational forces in people's lives as well as stories about the incredible things that people do out of love for a horse or horses. Submission Deadline: 5/15/07A Cup of Comfort for Cat LoversCats are among the most fascinating, entertaining, and endearing pets on earth. For this collection, we seek the best cat stories never told -- original and compelling testaments to the deep connection between cats and the people who love them as well as heartwarming and humorous tales about truly amazing felines. Most of the stories in the book will be about domestic cats (pets), but we are also interested in stories about feral and exotic cats. Submission Deadline: 7/01/07A Cup of Comfort for Breast Cancer SurvivorsIt has been said that "stories are medicine" and that "one of the most valuable things we can do to heal one another is to share our stories." This volume gives the healing power of story to women (and men) who have survived breast cancer, enabling them to share their inspiring triumphs and courageous trials with others who have beat breast cancer as well as with those who are currently dealing with breast cancer. We want uplifting stories about the experiences and emotions involved in battling and surviving breast cancer. Possible story themes include but are not limited to: diagnosis, treatment, emotional impact, support systems, healing practices, coping mechanisms, effect on loved ones, effect on personal and/or professional life, life after recover, prognosis, positive post-cancer outcomes. Submission Deadline: 8/15/07A Cup of Comfort for Spouses & Children of People with AlzheimersWhat happens when the person who raised you or the person with whom you raised your children slowly becomes a child who doesn't know you? What if that loved one changes so drastically that he or she is virtually a stranger to you? What if that person is difficult to deal with and requires substantial assistance? How will the reality of having a spouse or parent with Alzheimers affect you and your family -- emotionally, financially, physically, socially, personally, professionally? The inspiring stories in this collection will answer those questions and more -- and will show how love prevails and how lives thrive when a spouse or parent has Alzheimers. Submission Deadline: 10/15/07A Cup of Comfort for Divorced WomenDivorce in the 21st century should come with an instruction manual, a release valve, and a support system. This anthology will serve essentially those three purposes, in the form of comforting, insightful, and inspirational stories about surviving and thriving during and after divorce. We seek uplifting, contemporary stories on a wide range of topics of importance to divorced women -- including but not limited to: dating, children, relationship with ex, in-laws, finances, friends, solitude, personal transformation, healing, revenge, mending fences, the ex's new wife or lover, empowerment, rediscovery of self. The majority of stories will be written by women who are or have been divorced. Stories can be poignant, irreverent, humorous, witty, or wise. Submission Deadline: 12/31/2007Labels: call for submissions, Colleen Sell, cup of comfort, short story
Call for a Ghostwriter: Celebrity Biography
Just in, from "I am looking for a ghost writer. I have a book about my brother the actor Jeremy Applegate. His life and sudden tragic death forom sucide in March 2000. I have some photo's I would like to use from when Jeremy was a child. Please let me know. thank you Margaret Gomez"NOTE FROM LA WRITERS GROUP: We have corresponded with this person and she is aware that cost / price needs to be worked out and she is primarliy interested in maintaining the copyright of the material but is willing to give credit to the writer (so *ghost writer* is a relative term.) To contact Margaret Gomez, email: This listing is courtesy of Nicole & Sanora at www.lawritersgroup.comLabels: call for submissions, celebrity, freelance, ghostwriter, Jeremy Applegate
Call for Submissions: Cup of Comfort
SINGLE MOMS: LET YOUR VOICES & PRAISES BE HEARD! As Oprah Winfrey has often said, parenting is the most difficult and important job in the world -- even more so for single mothers, who single-handedly face all the usual parenting challenges, plus a whole set of unique ones. While being a single mom can be tough at times, it also brings many joys and rewards. And those blessings, along with the achievements and other positive aspects of single motherhood, too often go unrecognized. So the editor of the bestselling Cup of Comfort book series is now seeking personal stories for publication in an anthology that honors and celebrates single mothers. Stories must be original and true, and can be dramatic or humorous. Preference is given to slice-of-life stories that read like compelling fiction, that speak a positive universal truth about the human spirit, and that both entertain and inspire readers. * Deadline: March 20, 2007 * Story Length: 1000-2000 words * $500 grand prize; $100 for each other story published in book * Simultaneous submissions accepted * Authors may submit multiple stories * Each submission must include: Author's name Author's mailing address Author's phone number Author's email address Story title Story wordcount Submit by email or mail: EMAIL: Copy and paste the story into the body of the email; no attachments. One story per email. Send to MAIL: Send hard copy (no CDs or disks) and SASE to: Colleen Sell Cup of Comfort Editor P.O. Box 1539 Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424, USA Labels: call for submissions, Colleen Sell, cup of comfort, funds for writers, market, single moms