Blogging is free spirited writing at times, but I don’t always have topics popping off the top of my mind. In light of slow times, I pulled together a list of blog topics. Hopefully, it will spark some ideas for anyone else lacking caffeinated creativity one day…
1. The journey of a woman writer
2. Balancing family/work/writing
3. Write about your latest writing project
4. How the change of seasons harm or help writing
5. The impact of specific blogs
6. How to feed a woman writer’s muse
7. The best place to find a new blog topic
8. Eavesdropping on public dialogue
9. How exercise boosts energy for writing
10. The funny side to writing with kids
11. The funny side to writing with pets/husbands
12. Compliment another writer’s work
13. Use a quote and apply it to writing
14. How to ramp up a short story
15. How to cut out useless words in flash fiction
16. Review a writing course or publication
17. Call for help with a writing piece
18. Whet readers’ appetites for a new book
19. Promote your or another writers’ works
20. Give expert advice for boosting the ego
21. Pay something forward to a writer friend
22. Offer another writer a huge compliment
23. Announce another “Going Green” biz
24. Announce online writers conference
25. Post a writer’s contest
26. Discuss your favorite genre/s
27. Post a mini-memoir for publicity
28. Practice creating neologisms
29. Rant about writing stress
30. Highlight a literary magazine
31. Tell us how to get published
32. Expound upon the writer’s dream life
33. Teach the difference between active and passive voice
34. Express your biggest writing wish
35. Give WOW! feedback, suggestions, comments
36. Share a new writer’s resource or gadget
37. Donate a post to someone new to blogging
38. Praise another editor, writer, publisher, agent
39. Share your favorite blog post with a link
40. Write a plea to a presidential candidate (Hillary)
41. Tell a tasteful writer’s joke
42. Men writers are from ____; women writers from ____
43. Provide SEO and marketing tips for writer sites
44. Write a list of 101 potential blog topics
45. Do a humorous study on the best chocolate for writers
46. Navigate the Internet’s best writer sites
47. Highlight self-publishing information
48. Discuss experience with traditional publishers
49. Share experience with online publishers
50. Buzz your successful contest win
51. Toot another writer’s horn in a contest
52. Apply an activity to writing
53. Close the gap between young & old writers
54. Interview an author
55. Interview an agent
56. Interview an editor
57. Interview a humor columnist
58. Tell us how to break into humor writing
59. Share a writer’s faux pas
60. Talk about the writer’s reputation
61. Talk about your goals as a writer/woman/mother/person
62. Give insight into a popular writing topic
63. Share your favorite writer’s software
64. Explain how to find a writer’s voice
65. Gift a story to a friend
66. Provide a list of fun anagrams
67. Provide a list of fun ambigrams
68. Share the first story you ever wrote
69. Define an exceedingly confusing word
70. Clarify a misunderstood writer
71. Weave a web of mystery
72. Create a scavenger hunt on your site for fans
73. Call for submissions from others
74. Post anonymously to a writer you admire
75. Be yourself and post to a writer you admire
76. List out the writer’s web awards others should seek
77. Ask for camaraderie from others to help with a problem
78. Write a haiku poem, limerick, sonnet, or other
79. Write a cheer to keep writers moving forward
80. Provide blog traffic tips to others
81. Share how you sabotage your own writing
82. Shine the spotlight on a writing guru
83. Flash a beam on a cause that needs our help
84. Advise writers what not to do on queries
85. Advise writers how to do a smashing cover letter
86. Share an illustrator’s experience
87. Double dog dare a writer to share an embarrassing experience
88. Give examples of awesome query hooks
89. Hook us with a fabulous introduction to blogging
90. Lift writers spirits with a list of quotes
91. Motivate others with a writing challenge
92. Explain creative nonfiction
93. Create a new genre and discuss it
94. Give a list of oxymorons
95. Share onomatopoeia terms
96. Describe how to capture life with sensory details
97. Discuss how to cope with rejection letters
98. Give tips for showing emotion in body language
99. Provide your own blopics (blog topics)
Please don't ask what each of these mean. They're open to interpretation for any blogger. Help yourself to the lot. If you find only one to dine on, then you're one up on me on a slow day. Enjoy!
Labels: blog topics, writing inspiration