Fantastic Photos: Use Pictures to Enhance Your Blog Part I

Labels: blog photos, blog promotion, creative commons, Flickr, Margo Dill
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BlogrollWednesday, September 02, 2009Fantastic Photos: Use Pictures to Enhance Your Blog Part I![]() People like images, white space, and easy-to-read fonts when they are reading blogs and websites. A full page of small, cursive-type text with one or two paragraph breaks and no photos may not be read even if it contains the secret to becoming a millionaire. A question I often hear bloggers and writers ask is, "Where do you find photos that are not copyrighted?" The source I use the most often on my blog and when I write for Demand Studios and Bright Hub is Flickr. It is super easy to get a free account on Flickr and to find photos on any topic. People upload their photos into different levels of copyright protection. I mostly use Creative Commons at the lowest level. This means that I can download other people's photos, give them credit on my blog (by putting their user name and, and use their photo for free. Currently, there are over 15 million photos in this lowest, easiest to use level of Flickr Creative Commons photos. You can also find over 5 million photos in the next level of Creative Commons. This is where you must give the photographer credit for the photo, and you can not change the image in anyway through Photoshop or some other means. So, as of now (and the number is always increasing), there are over 20 million photos at your disposal for free to use on your blog or website. When I want a photo, I just do a search in the Creative Commons photos with keywords. For example, on my post about how I was going to change the format of my blog, "Read These Books and Use Them," I wanted a picture about change. So, I typed in change as my keyword. Believe it or not, I got this great photo that depicted exactly what I wanted to depict. Besides Flickr, you can also use Photobucket, which was recommended to me by Annette Fix, author of The Break-Up Diet. I haven't used this photoshare site personally, but Annette uses it for her blogs! Stay tuned for some more tips on putting photos on your blogs and websites when I post again for The Muffin with part two of "Fantastic Photos." Until then, Margo Dill Labels: blog photos, blog promotion, creative commons, Flickr, Margo Dill Monday, August 24, 2009Part Two: Will Your Blog Bring You Fortune and Fame?
My last blog post about blogging, Will Your Blog Bring You Fortune and Fame? (Part One), discussed my observations about successful blogging after reading Julie & Julia by Julie Powell and thinking about making changes to my own year-old blog. I said I had a few more observations to make and would continue it with Part Two, and so here is the much-anticipated list (LOL):
If you have any more suggestions of things that have worked for you, please, please leave your comments. We'll even take warnings and nevers such as NEVER blog about blah, blah, blah. We're here to learn from each other and figure out our new cyber world! Happy blogging!
Labels: blog advice, blog promotion, blog tours, blog traffic, Margo Dill Saturday, March 01, 2008Start a Stampede to Your Blog![]() Initially, I had the idea of posting my quirky personal commentary and additional fun insights into the various scenes in my book on the exact days that they appear in the diary entry structure throughout my memoir. And that's what I have done, which you can see here: But on top of not really being sure about whether this is the best way to blog about my book, I'm also a bit of a technotard when it comes to figuring out how to promote it. So, in my search to find resources to solve some of these deficiencies of mine, I've started to collect useful tips about blogging. And, instead of keeping all this great info to myself, I thought I'd share with our WOW! readers a very helpful article I discovered. TAG, YOU'RE IT! by Penny Sansevieri One of the biggest questions I get from authors is: "I have a blog but how do I get people to it?" Well first off, you want to keep blogging, but there are other things you can do too, and we'll discuss two of the most powerful ones here. If you've spent any kind of time online you've probably heard the terms: tag or social bookmarking. But what *exactly* do these terms mean? If you think of the term "tagging" like you would a name tag at a party or networking event it will start to make much more sense. Generally, when you post a blog, it's recommended that you "tag" it with various terms appropriate to the message of the blog. The Wikipedia definition of "tag" is: A tag is a keyword which acts like a subject or category. This keyword is used to organize web pages, subjects, and objects on the Internet. When you think of it this way, what you're really doing is organizing each of your blog posts so that folks can find and search them. By tagging each of them with specific keywords, you'll come up faster when someone searches those keywords than if you left your blog blank. Make sense? Ok, then let's get started learning how to tag. (I promise, it's very easy.) When creating tags, there are two types that you can create. You can imbed your blog with tags using services like Technorati (more on that in a minute) or you can go to social networking sites and tag your blog as well. Honestly, I recommend a combination of both. Social bookmarking is a way of "bookmarking" favorite sites (i.e. yours) so you can easily share them (via tags) with the Internet community and especially folks who are searching on your search term. I'll explain how to get your site bookmarked but, for now, take a look at sites like and - these are the top two social bookmarking sites you'll want to use. There are others but we'll discuss these in a minute. Ok, here we go! Ready for a final tip? If you want to impress customers with your endless list of resources why not share your page with your readers/customers? gives each registered member their own page with all of their bookmarks. Ideally you'll want to include other resources besides your own blog but a link to this page could be a fantastic way to gain additional exposure not just for your blog, but to your wealth of resources as well. (here's my page: Reprinted from "The Book Marketing Expert newsletter," a free ezine offering book promotion and publicity tips and techniques. *** Now, all I need to do is carve out time to implement Penny's great tips! Give it a try yourself and let me know how it goes! Labels: Annette Fix, blog promotion, social bookmarking for writers, tagging, The Break-Up Diet Thursday, February 14, 2008365 Days a Year![]() And I like it that way. Why? Because he believes we shouldn’t cherish each other on only one day out of an entire year. We have a special ritual that I believe will keep us happily married all the way into the fairytale sunset. Each morning, and at different times throughout the day, my husband will ask, “Is there anything I can do for you?” And, after my either yes or no reply, I ask him the same question. Beyond the obvious and tangible benefit of having a quick errand run or a particular meal prepared, offering to do “anything” for each other is a constant reminder of why we got married in the first place. Love and devotion. And I’ll take that over a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers any day. This is the kind of support that writers so desperately need—especially writers who are juggling a household: children, domestic responsibilities, and those who work outside of the home as well. The encouragement and support of a loving spouse helps make what we do possible. So, today, take a break from the computer. Hold up a quick “one-minute” index finger to quiet your chatty characters, push the freelance querying aside, and spend some much needed couple time with your significant other. If you are single, this is the perfect time to treat yourself to a break. Do something today that makes you blissfully happy. Whether you have fun with good friends or take some quiet time to nurture your soul, be good to yourself. The writing will be waiting for you tomorrow. BLOG LOVE I’d like to thank all of the ladies who offered to promote my memoir, The Break-Up Diet, on their blogs today! Please stop by and show them some traffic love and read what they are all about. It's a wonderful and diverse group of ladies with so many great resources to share. Check out their links below. Allie Boniface Angelique H. Caffrey Sue Donckels Valerie Fentress Jennifer Flatten Sarabeth Gordon Cher'ley Grogg Cathy Hall Irvina Kanarek Chynna Laird Tammie McElligott Anne-Marie Nichols Cherie Redinoz Debbie Ridpath Ohi (interview) Lea Schizas Nancy Sharpe Luann Womack Sandra Vilar Thank you, ladies, for making this a fun and interesting promotion! Labels: Annette Fix, blog promotion, love, The Break-Up Diet, writing support Tuesday, February 12, 2008Valentine's Day Blog Promo
We're excited to announce the launch of Senior Editor, Annette Fix's memoir, The Break-Up Diet, on Valentine's Day, February 14th. If you have a blog and would like to participate in this event, then get your dancing shoes on and grab a box of chocolates and we'll promote you! All you have to do is write a blog post about:
![]() One focuses on being single on a "couples" holiday, the other, highlights being in a relationship on Valentine's Day. Please let us know if you would like to participate, so we can send you the image, book info, and blog post of your choice. If you'd like more information, visit the book website: All bloggers in the promotion will have their blog listed and linked in the WOW! blog post on Feb. 14th as participating supporters to receive some WOW! Women On Writing traffic-link-love! If you have any blogger friends who may be interested in participating, please feel free to forward this post to them. Confirm your interest by sending an email to: editors[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com Much love and happy blogging! Love Editors of WOW! Angela & Annette Labels: Annette Fix, blog promotion, The Break-Up Diet, Valentine's Day |