Elizabeth Fournier, author of All Men are Cremated Equal, Launches her Blog Tour!

After she got over her dream of being a Solid Gold Dancer, Fournier promptly headed into the local funeral home and asked for a job, any job. She became the live-in night keeper which meant she resided in a trailer in the far reaches of a large, hilly cemetery and slept with a shotgun near her bed. It was the scariest summer of her life.
She is currently the voice of the autopsy exhibit in the forensic wing at the United States National Museum of Medicine and a full-time mortician. She is also a ballroom dance instructor at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. But she couldn't resist writing the story of her unusual method of dating that led her to the love of her life.
You can find out more about Elizabeth by visiting her website: www.elizabethfournier.com

If you received our Events Newsletter, remember, we are holding a contest to win a copy of Elizabeth's book, All Men are Cremated Equal: My 77 Blind Dates, to those that comment. So, grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and enjoy the chat, and share your thoughts, and comments, at the end.
All Men Are Cremated Equal: My 77 Blind Dates
By Elizabeth Fournier
Elizabeth chronicles her true life dating spree as a marriage-minded mortician in her mid-30's. Set off by her broken engagement, she enlists everyone in sight to set her up on blind dates in a passionate quest to meet just one really great guy. Armed with a 10-point list of dating criteria, skintight jeans, and flash cards on Nascar, football, and micro-breweries, she spends one full year doing the blind meet and greet. Names are changed to protect the rejected as she humorously dishes dot-com hotties, compulsive bloggers, and tattooed graduates of the Gene Simmons School of Dating. Bridget Jones would be proud of her American cousin.
We will randomly choose a winner from those who comment. Enjoy!
Interview by Jill Earl
WOW: Elizabeth, thank you so much for launching your blog tour with WOW! I know that our readers are interested in getting to know you, so let’s get right to it.
For many people, turning their dating experiences into a book for all to see would be intimidating, to say the least. Not only did you do that, but you wrote your book while you were a newlywed. Can you tell us about your book and what inspired you to write it?
ELIZABETH: All Men are Cremated Equal: My 77 Blind Dates is the memoir of a lovelorn mortician that captures the experience of being single, female and fast approaching 40, still longing to find “The One.”
I was freshly broken up with my fiancé, and wasn’t in the market for yet another dead-end relationship. I made a list of the ten qualities I was looking for in a man and forwarded the list to my vast social network. I then ventured on 77 blind dates, letting friends act as matchmakers in the Portland and San Francisco Bay Area dating scene.
I take my readers along on the good dates (the sexy local candidate), the bad (the concert promoter who ended up bloodied), the utterly bizarre (the man who speaks in quotations), and the educational (the contractor who invites her along on a last-minute concrete pour). I chronicle the giddy anticipation of a first meeting, the sense of adventure as the night lingers on, and the challenge to remain optimistic when there were 55 dates down, and 22 more to go.
Throughout, I discuss my life in the funeral industry, from the workaday tasks, to the more unusual aspects of the business. My memoir describes how I balanced my social life (with the living) with my professional responsibilities (to the dead).
WOW: Looks like your life offers a new spin and perspective on the work-life balance issue! It’s not always easy, but you’ve figured out a way to make it work for you.
Now, with your completed book in hand, you made the decision to go the self-publishing route, as opposed to traditional publishing. Why?
ELIZABETH: Unfortunately the route was chose for me. I banged out my memoir and was gung-ho to have it picked up, published and purchased. The proposals sent out by my agent did receive decent feedback, but ultimately an offer was not to be. I thought that publishers would read the synopsis and opening chapters to see if I had a feel for idiom and a talent for crafting my story. To that scope, I did achieve something. Although every submission came back with a dismissal, it was apparent they had enjoyed reading my work.
But I knew that I was in fine company and that all would eventually work itself out. Robert Persig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was rejected 121 times; Louis L'Amour - 200 rejections. Deepak Chopra and Zane Grey were self-publishers. Life went on for them, didn’t it?
WOW: I had no idea that Persig and L’Amour had the number of rejections they did or that Chopra and Grey were self-published. That’s great inspiration for the rest of us to keep plugging along. Duly noted!
Can I just say that I LOVE your book’s title? All Men Are Cremated Equal is a delightful play on words, but alludes to one of your other occupations—mortician. How did you get into that field?
ELIZABETH: Comfort level, I guess. I spent a lot of time in funeral homes as a kid. Not because of my family in the business, but my family in caskets. Fourniers don’t exactly have the best longevity record.
At my tiny Catholic school (where most students lived with both parents), I stood out. Everyone knew my mother had died, and they all knew that when they suffered the loss of a family member, or even a pet, I was the person to talk with. I was the only death resource in the community of students. When I got into junior high, and when someone’s parent or sibling would die—anyone, really—I’d be the person they’d seek out. Everybody looked at me as their go-to girl for death.
The funeral industry seemed like such a natural life path, and I truly feel that it is my calling and my ministry.
WOW: It definitely appears that this industry found you! I think the best part is that you discerned what your natural gifts are, and went for the occupations that fulfilled your passion. Speaking of which, another occupation of yours is ballroom dance instructor. How long have you been at it and what got you into it?
ELIZABETH: I became an Arthur Murray dancer right out of college. There was an apprenticeship open at a funeral home in Portland that I had my eye on, but they didn’t hire me. The newspaper was the main job hunting source in the early 90’s and finding another mortuary position listed was bleak at best. I spied the dance instructor job and something clicked. I stared at my closet for quite a long time, figuring out what a ballroom dancer would wear. I finally dressed, made my way to the studio, and was hired after an hour of practicing the waltz and foxtrot. That was 16 years ago.
My dance partner, Scott, has been the Instructor of Ballroom Dance at Reed College since 1995, and I am presently his lovely assistant. Teaching students of this caliber of smarts is really riveting. They actually get into it. Not only do they catch on super fast, they want to know the expression and the origin of the dances.
Most dance steps are taught in segments, repeatedly walked through and then danced with music, and maybe three dances are taught to the group for the duration of their lessons. Not so with Reedies. We can teach more than basic box steps. They crave rhythm, style, and advanced techniques. It is a test for our teaching ability to answer all the questions their hungry minds need for nourishment. No more “the man is the frame; the lady is the window.” These kids are too cool for school.
WOW: Hearing about your ballroom background takes me back to the semester I took ballroom lessons when I was in college. I was far from being ‘Reedie cool’, but it was fun--eventually.
Now, do you have any writing advice to offer us?
ELIZABETH: Read aloud what you have written. Generally your ear is better than your eyes, and if you read it out loud you are much more likely to find dreadful sentences, terrible tenses, and other errors.
WOW: Great advice which I’ve found very effective in my own writing. Are there other genres you’d like to pursue in your writing? Or do you want to stick with nonfiction for now?
ELIZABETH: I love telling a true story. I love connected with people through something I’ve written, and being able to possibly make a difference in someone’s life through something I’ve personally experienced. When you read non-fiction, you're being exposed to the imagination of reality.
WOW: You’ve certainly connected with me and I think that’ll be the case with our readers, too. So, what’s next with you, Elizabeth? Can you share a bit of what you’re working on now?
ELIZABETH: I have been asked to start compiling my notes for another book. There is interest in my life as a small-town female mortician who lives where she works and brings her baby to work at the funeral home. I have years of funeral and cemetery experience that has been rather fascinating, and I am flattered and equally thrilled to move forward with my first draft.
I’m also doing book promotion. It’s a full-time job. And trying to get some sleep. Some weeks I hardly sleep. This week was like that, but I guess I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
WOW: (Laughs) Well, we hope you’ll get that much-needed sleep well before then! Elizabeth, again, it was a delight getting to know you! I can’t wait to get my own copy of your book! Good luck on the tour!
Want to join Elizabeth on her blog tour? Check out these dates and mark your calendar! You can also snag a copy of WOW's Events Calendar HERE.
Blog Tour Dates: Come and join the fun!
MAY 11, 2009 Monday
Elizabeth will be chatting with WOW! Women On Writing at The Muffin. Stop by and share your comments! One lucky commenter will win copy of Jan's book!
MAY 12, 2009 Tuesday
Elizabeth will be stopping by Carolyn Howard-Johnson's blog, The New Book Review. Stop by and hear what readers are saying about All Men Are Cremated Equal!
MAY 13, 2009 Wednesday
Elizabeth will be stopping by Cheryl Phillips' blog, The Daily Blonde, to share a few bits of advice she learned while on her blind date marathon! This will be a fun stop!
MAY 14, 2009 Thursday
Elizabeth will be stopping by Mom-e-Centric to give readers an insider's view on self-publishing. Mom-e-Centric will also be holding a book giveaway contest to those that comment!
MAY 15, 2009 Friday
Elizabeth will be stopping by Day-by-Day Writer for an exclusive interview on how she managed to write her memoir while working full time, and her journey through self-publishing and marketing. If you're an author, aspiring or established, this is not to miss!
MAY 18, 2009 Monday
Elizabeth will be stopping by TV Boyfriends to share some online dating stories! Stop by for the fun and enjoy a laugh!
MAY 20, 2009 Wednesday
Elizabeth stops by Mary Jo Campbell's blog, Writers Inspired, for a fun interview about writing, her job as a mortician, and being a newlywed. Not to miss!
MAY 21, 2009 Thursday
Elizabeth stops by Annette Fix' blog to talk about what it's like to capture an uncomfortable experience (like the worst blind date in history) with your writing. Elizabeth tells all today!
MAY 26, 2009 Tuesday
Elizabeth stops by a fascinating blog, Wedding Skulls, to chat about romance and death. This should be an interesting post!
MAY 27, 2009 Wednesday
Elizabeth stops by Stacie Connerty's blog, The Divine Miss Mommy, for a fun interview and review of All Men Are Cremated Equal.
June 8, 2009 Monday
Elizabeth stops by Sybil Baker's blog to chat about promoting a book without a publisher. This should be an interesting post! Sybil also reviews All Men Are Cremated Equal.
June 15, 2009 Monday
Elizabeth stops by Modern Single Momma's blog to chat about dating!
We also have several more dates to come, so be sure to check out our Events Calendar HERE.
Get involved!

If you have a blog or website and would like to participate in Elizabeth Fournier's blog tour, or schedule a tour of your own, please email Angela and Jodi at: blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com
** Please feel free to copy any portion of this post.
Oh, be sure to comment on this post to enter in a drawing for a copy of Elizabeth's book All Men are Cremated Equal: My 77 Blind Dates.
Labels: 77 Blind Dates, All Men Are Cremated Equal, author interview, blog tour, book giveaway contest, Elizabeth Fournier, Jill Earl