Friday Speak Out: "After Nano: Rewrites Can be (Sorta) Fun," Guest Post by Cathy C. Hall
After Nano: Rewrites Can be (Sorta) Fun
by Cathy C. Hall
At my last writer's group meeting, one of my friends was shocked when I related my National Novel Writing Month experience. Not the part about me writing almost 40,000 words. Oh, no. He couldn’t believe I’d actually do a rewrite!
I guess I’m what you’d call the bust-it-out writer in the group. I’m always rushing essays or short stories or queries out into the world. But that doesn’t mean I’m a write-it-once, then send-it gal. I wish I had that kind of talent. But the truth is, whether I’m writing 40,000 words or 400 words, I revise, edit, and rewrite. I’m not gonna lie. I am not one of those writers who love the rewrite process. So, I have a few tricks I use to make this part of the writing process fun. (Not fun as in barrel-of-monkey fun; more like that-wasn’t-so-bad fun.)
1. The first draft is my bust-it-out piece. It’s almost always too long and a bit on the rambling side. That’s okay. The idea is to get ‘er done.
2. The second draft is where I work on the rambling, and get the piece where I want it to go. I accomplish this by asking a simple question: “What do I want to say?” Any spot in the piece where I’ve veered off from what I want to say has to go. No matter how prettily I’ve said it.
3. Next, I let the writing sit awhile. Even if it’s just 20 minutes for a lunch break, I need time so that I can come back to the piece with fresh eyes.
4. I’m always surprised at the little things I’ve missed on the second draft. Usually, I’ve left out a word or punctuation. It’s much easier to catch these errors when I read the piece out loud. Then, the third draft is corrected and ready to make its way out into the world.
My novel is hanging around now, the get ‘er done stage behind me. I’ll tackle the next step come January. Because that’s one heck of an edit, and honestly, I’m in shock, thinking about the rewrite!
Cathy C. Hall is a writer and humor columnist who lives in the metro Atlanta area. When she's not writing about the funny real stuff in her life, she's making up wild stories for adults as well as children. Find out where she's been published lately by visiting her website at Or drop in at her blog at
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**************** Labels: Cathy Hall, editing, Friday Speak Out, NaNoWriMo
An (Early) Valentine to Premium-Green
 I just received a contract in the mail for a writing job, thanks to Premium-Green, WOW!’s freelance market guide. I LOVE Premium-Green! And in honor of Valentine's Day, I simply must count the ways: 1. I LOVE the way I have access to detailed information about markets. PG doesn’t just list writer’s guidelines. It provides market demographics, a magazine’s editorial, and even specific editor needs, which helps me better target my pitch. And the pay scale for the market is always right there in boldface print. Always good to know! 2. I LOVE the way PG revs up my writing career. Want to experience a live pitch session? PG recently had a pitch fest for WOW! Looking to try something new? Check out the Writers Wanted section. Need incentives? PG has ongoing contests (with premium prizes!) 3. I LOVE the way I can get instant answers to writing questions. There’s always a PG sister online who’s willing to share her expertise. Even if I’m burning the midnight oil, the California crowd is just finishing dinner! 4. I LOVE the way that these generous PG writers are there to congratulate, commiserate, support, or just listen. My PG sisters have given me the push I needed more than once. And when they send those “Yay! Doing the happy dance for you!” messages, I know they’re really dancing! Mostly, I LOVE the way that I’ve grown as a writer since joining PG. I thought I’d find a few humor markets, but what I found was the confidence and know-how to take my writing further than I ever imagined. I love thee, Premium-Green, from the heights of my self-esteem to the breadth of my Paypal account. And if my Inbox has another contract waiting, I will but love thee more after I’m paid! XXOO, Cathy *** Cathy C. Hall writes humorous columns, essays, articles and fiction and is published in all kinds of fascinating places. You can follow her funny ups and downs on the road to publication at And if you’re interested in children’s writing, you’ll find her searching for publication at Cathy Hall, Premium-Green markets, Valentine's Day, writing groups
Santa Baby for Writers
by Cathy Hall (Baboom, baboom, baboom, baboom) Santa Baby, Just slip a contract under the tree For me Been an awful good girl, Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight. Santa Baby, with five or maybe six figures, too, Will do. I’ll wait up for you, dear. Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight. Think of all the stuff I’ve missed. Think of the rejection I’ve already risked. I may have to get a job, If you don’t check my Christmas list. Santa baby, I want a book of my very own Alone No anthologies will do. Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight. Santa Cutie, and fill my stocking with an agent Heav’n-sent. An angel editor, too. Santa Cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight. Come and trim my Christmas tree With sparkly web promotion, just for me. I really believe I’m good enough. Let’s see if you are good enough, too. Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing, A ring. Oprah on the phone for me. Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight. Hurry down the chimney Tonight. --------- To find out what she's doing, other than begging Santa for a book contract, visit her blog, Cathy C.'s Hall of Fame . Her web site is Cathy Hall, holiday writing, writing humor