Goals for 2010

Today I realized how many things have been neglected recently in my life. I can't really use the holidays as an excuse either, because, well, they just weren't in the way for the most part. I had things pretty well organized, no real stress about what was going on. I planned ahead to some degree, although I did feel like I was struggling to finish the last gifts that needed to get out the door.
I hear everyone talking about setting New Year's resolutions. To be honest, I have never done so to this day. However, I do set goals for myself each year. This year, my biggest goal is to find more writing time and to expand on many of my story ideas.
To date, I have published over 400 articles, but alas, it isn't where my true passion lies, my true passion is in the heart of writing stories for children. I have several in the works and only one completed and ready for editing, but now I have hit the point where my fear is holding me back. This leads me to one of my first goals for the year.
1) Pushing past my fear
With this goal, I plan to attempt to once again get this story published. It has gone through hundreds of hands over the past 5 years, many saying that it wasn't time, that this story would be better produced in the future. Well, it is now the future and I feel it is time to give it a go once again. Many of the publishers I had contacted stated that because of the huge craze with a very popular young wizard, they felt that my story shouldn't be left in the shadows and there was tons of potential that would help this story shine through.
I have to admit after reading those encouraging words, I'm still scared and ready to hide under the blankets, but, I will attempt once again. Yes, I admit just like all of us in the writing community, rejection is harsh, but we must go through it in order to continue on with our goals as writers.
After everything that has happened in 2009, I am anxious to even think about 2010. I am worried that I won't be able to find enough time to write. This is my second goal for the New Year. Finding more time. With an ever changing work schedule, sports, and other activities for my teenagers, I am now striving to find enough time to write.
2) Find more writing time.
My goal is to sit down daily and see where I can squeeze in even 10 minutes for writing. Hopefully, time at work will help, when things are quiet and there isn't a huge need for a lot of paperwork, or needed in other departments to complete tasks.
How about those minutes waiting in the doctor's office that I rave about using; oh wait, I don't get that time because I am hardly at the doctor's office.
My schedule shifts daily so I must shift my writing times and make sure that I schedule myself a writing appointment on the calendar. I hope that this goal can be met.
Another goal of mine is to get more involved with the writing groups that I have been in contact with and help others as much as they have helped me with my writing. This is another goal that I am striving to meet. Right here at WOW we have such fabulous women that have each helped me, throughout the past year, meet my writing goals even if they don't realize it. Thanks to all of you for doing that for me. :)
3) Get involved with my writing groups!
This goal should be easy to do; however, again, time may be the issue. I am going to strive to be in better contact with the groups that I so love and want to work with more closely once again. But, please everyone be patient with me. I am sure there will be times when you will need to take and beat me with a wet noodle.
Although I currently only have 3 main writing goals established for the new year, this is a good start and will help me to find my way into the future of my writing.
By attempting to not only work more on my stories but also to continue to write more articles, I am striving to stick to these goals that I have set forth.
For each of us, as writers, time is one factor that many of us struggle with on a daily basis. Getting into a new groove after major changes in your life can really put huge strains on your writing, and it is hard to let life do this to each of us.
Have you set writing goals for the New Year? If so, what are they and how do you plan to meet these goals for yourself?
Just remember, it is okay if you don't meet one of your goals. At least you tried. There have been many times when I have attempted to meet many goals through out the year that involve my writing and, no matter what, something ended up on the floor behind the stove.
Happy Writing!
Labels: Carrie Hulce, writing goals
Keep up the good work with your writing, and you'll get past your fears. As a published author of a fantasy trilogy, I welcome you to look at my latest book, The Magic of Fuller, book one, "Keeper of the Stone". https://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/TheMagicofFullerBookOne-KeeperoftheStone.html
Wishing you the very best with your goals. I think just making goals is 1/2 the battle! Thanks, also, for visiting my blog. :)
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