The Summerset Review Reader Comment Contest

All of the stories and this opportunity to publish your work are two reasons why I'm writing about The Summerset Review today, but the other is this really cool contest they have going on that everyone should enter! Get your pencils and keyboards ready. It's called the Fifty-For-Fifty contest, and it's free! Here's a blurb from their website about the contest:
"Anyone is invited to submit comments on literary material (excluding photo essays) appearing in the current issue of The Summerset Review. We award at least fifty dollars and a copy of a print issue to the person contributing the best entry over fifty words, and will include the comment in our next issue, along with the reader’s name and home town."
Now, this is cool. You get to read stories and comment on one that really touches you and possibly get paid $50 for your comment of over 50 words. That's almost $1.00 a word for your opinion! You can't pass this up. For all the details, you can check out the Fifty-for-Fifty contest link above.
Happy commenting!
Margo Dill
This does sound cool.
And, I LOVED Amy's story. Just beautiful writing -- so alive.
In the last Fifty for fity contest, I earned first runner up or honorable mention (or whatever they call it :) ). I received a print copy of one of their editions. I enjoy reading the work on this site, and I've had several students use stories here for discussion.
You are really helping us with so much information. Thanks for doing that. Love your blog.
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