An (Early) Valentine to Premium-Green

1. I LOVE the way I have access to detailed information about markets. PG doesn’t just list writer’s guidelines. It provides market demographics, a magazine’s editorial, and even specific editor needs, which helps me better target my pitch. And the pay scale for the market is always right there in boldface print. Always good to know!
2. I LOVE the way PG revs up my writing career. Want to experience a live pitch session? PG recently had a pitch fest for WOW! Looking to try something new? Check out the Writers Wanted section. Need incentives? PG has ongoing contests (with premium prizes!)
3. I LOVE the way I can get instant answers to writing questions. There’s always a PG sister online who’s willing to share her expertise. Even if I’m burning the midnight oil, the California crowd is just finishing dinner!
4. I LOVE the way that these generous PG writers are there to congratulate, commiserate, support, or just listen. My PG sisters have given me the push I needed more than once. And when they send those “Yay! Doing the happy dance for you!” messages, I know they’re really dancing!
Mostly, I LOVE the way that I’ve grown as a writer since joining PG. I thought I’d find a few humor markets, but what I found was the confidence and know-how to take my writing further than I ever imagined. I love thee, Premium-Green, from the heights of my self-esteem to the breadth of my Paypal account. And if my Inbox has another contract waiting, I will but love thee more after I’m paid!

Labels: Cathy Hall, Premium-Green markets, Valentine's Day, writing groups
I loved your post! The funny thing is, as soon as I started reading it, I just knew it had to be you writing it. It sounded like you, when you post on PG. So, I wasn't at all surprised when I saw your name at the bottom. (Congrats on your contract!)
Back at ya, Cathy! PG loves YOU. You always add humor and charm to the discussions. :)
Aw, y'all just made my day! That's what I'm (PG-wise) talking about :-)
Aw...Cath! This post rocks. :o) And Marcia is right--you add so much to the PG group. Thank you for being active and participating. We all love YOU!
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