365 Days a Year

And I like it that way.
Why? Because he believes we shouldn’t cherish each other on only one day out of an entire year. We have a special ritual that I believe will keep us happily married all the way into the fairytale sunset.
Each morning, and at different times throughout the day, my husband will ask, “Is there anything I can do for you?” And, after my either yes or no reply, I ask him the same question.
Beyond the obvious and tangible benefit of having a quick errand run or a particular meal prepared, offering to do “anything” for each other is a constant reminder of why we got married in the first place. Love and devotion. And I’ll take that over a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers any day.
This is the kind of support that writers so desperately need—especially writers who are juggling a household: children, domestic responsibilities, and those who work outside of the home as well. The encouragement and support of a loving spouse helps make what we do possible.
So, today, take a break from the computer. Hold up a quick “one-minute” index finger to quiet your chatty characters, push the freelance querying aside, and spend some much needed couple time with your significant other.
If you are single, this is the perfect time to treat yourself to a break. Do something today that makes you blissfully happy. Whether you have fun with good friends or take some quiet time to nurture your soul, be good to yourself.
The writing will be waiting for you tomorrow.
I’d like to thank all of the ladies who offered to promote my memoir, The Break-Up Diet, on their blogs today!
Please stop by and show them some traffic love and read what they are all about. It's a wonderful and diverse group of ladies with so many great resources to share. Check out their links below.
Allie Boniface https://allieboniface.blogspot.com/
Angelique H. Caffrey https://recessforwriters.blogspot.com
Sue Donckels https://inkbridge.blogspot.com/
Valerie Fentress www.valeriefentress.com/index.php/blog/
Jennifer Flatten https://jelf-writes.com/author/jelfwrites/
Sarabeth Gordon https://nothpnowmommy.blogspot.com
Cher'ley Grogg https://www.freewebs.com/cherley/index.htm
Cathy Hall https://cathychall.blogspot.com
Irvina Kanarek https://honestchitchat.wordpress.com
Chynna Laird https://www.ctlaird.bravejournal.com
Tammie McElligott https://tammiemcelligott.blogspot.com
Anne-Marie Nichols https://www.thismamacooks.com
Cherie Redinoz www.over-it.blogspot.com
Debbie Ridpath Ohi https://www.inkygirl.com (interview)
Lea Schizas https://branchesoflife.blogspot.com/
Nancy Sharpe https://nancysharpe.blogspot.com/
Luann Womack https://foodhistories.blogspot.com
Sandra Vilar https://ssserenity.blogspot.com
Thank you, ladies, for making this a fun and interesting promotion!
Labels: Annette Fix, blog promotion, love, The Break-Up Diet, writing support
Thanks for the "link love" and congrats on your memoir!
Congrats on your book! Again :-)
A couple of people mentioned this same concept to me, which I'd never really thought about before. If someone loves you, they treat you well all the time, not just 2/14. I think most of us would rather have it that way.
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