WOW chats with Tracy Horan - Runner Up in the WOW! Winter Contest

WOW got a chance to chat with another of the top ten runners up. Pull up a chair and join us:-)
WOW: Congratulations on placing in the top ten with our latest contest! What was your reaction to placing in the top ten?
Tracy: The minute I read the email telling
me I had placed in the top ten, I ran around the house yelling “Guess what? Guess what? I made the top ten in a contest!” I did a happy dance right there in the kitchen…a little shimmy with a pinch of the running man! I sang, “Oh yeah, stir the pot…I’m da bomb!” My kids were mortified and embarrassed at my shenanigans. (Which was an added bonus.)
WOW: Some writers don't enjoy the "structure" of contests with prompts and short word counts. Do you? And what inspired your contest entry, Whitewater Romance?
Tracy: I love contests because they are like school assignments. My mind starts formulating a plan the minute I read the requirements. The story prompt instructed us to come up with a tale about how we would celebrate paying off the car. The first thing that came to my mind was ‘take a vacation, of course,’ which, in turn, sparked the memory of the whitewater rafting trip from hell.
Sadly, my tale was more fact than fiction. You need to understand, I am not a girl who craves blood-curdling adventure. I am terrified of excessive speed and heights. I avoid roller coasters and drive my minivan like a granny. In retrospect, perhaps whitewater rafting was not a great vacation choice for a wuss like me! It makes for a funny story, though. Of course, they say … Comedy = Tragedy + Time. Sad, but true!
WOW: Do you find it easy to write flash fiction or do you prefer longer pieces?
Tracy: Flash fiction is my favorite type of writing. I tend to be long-winded, so flash is a challenge for me and a great tool to help me learn to cut back on excessive wordiness.
One of my college instructors is always saying, “Great story, but wayyyyyyyy too long.
Flash helps me learn to cut, cut, cut.
WOW: It's wonderful you are continuing to learn about the craft of writing. Are you enjoying your writing classes at the University of Wisconsin?
Tracy: Love it! The University of Wisconsin offers many writing classes online. It is a wonderful way to take college level courses from home. My main professor is Marshall Cook. He does a great job offering advice and criticism in constructive ways. I used to hate negative comments about my writing. I took every remark so personally! But Coach Cook showed me how an intense critique serves to improve your writing and make it better. Now I welcome all editing suggestions with an open mind.
WOW: Have you always wanted to write?
Tracy: I’ve played around with writing off and on my whole life. But, you know how it is…you get a job, get married, have kids. Pretty soon, the only thing you find yourself writing are grocery lists. Books have always been my real passion. I am a voracious reader and I devour books like Pac-Man eating those little dot thingies. I finally realized that writing a book of my own would be a dream come true.
WOW: Reading is another great way to learn what good writing is like. Who are your favorite authors?
Tracy: Lately, I have been reading Jodi Picoult—she is an amazing writer. I also love Jennifer Weiner—her humor is too delicious. Honestly, I read everything I can get my hands on. I like Janet Evanovich, Stephen King, Patterson, Grisham, Jeanette Walls, Kim Edwards. Oh, there are so many phenomenal authors out there, it is tough for me to pick a favorite!
WOW: If you could pass on one piece of advice to other writers, what would it be?
Tracy: The most valuable, gratifying thing for a writer is to share their work. What is the point of writing if no one reads your brilliant, gorgeous pieces of literary genius? Be honest, we are all a bunch of insecure creative types who need constant ego strokes. I found a website called Fanstory where I can post my work for other writers to read and review. It has been the single most wonderful, encouraging experience of my writing life. Face it, our friends and family want to be kind and loving. It takes a stranger to say, “Dude, you used ‘was’ eleven times in the last three paragraphs—fix it.”
WOW: Your contest bio mentions a work in progress. Can you tell us a little bit about it?
Tracy: My main project is an anthology of humorous non-fiction essays I am in the process of writing. They tell the tale of when my family and I lived on a farm in rural Indiana. My two daughters were young, my husband traveled for work a great deal of the time, and I was absolutely the world’s most inept farm wife. I like to call it a tale of “Gilligan’s Island meets Green Acres.” The name of the book is “Never Tie a Horse to a Swing Set.” That pretty much sums it up.
WOW: What a great chat. Got any last thoughts?
Tracy: I would love to publish a book or two, and I would be thrilled if my books sold a few copies, but that is not the reason I write. Writing fulfills a need within my soul. It is a balm, a salve, and a great comfort. Writing is free therapy that fills up an empty place inside of me. Even if I never publish a single word, I will always introduce myself as Tracy Horan, the Writer.
Thanks Tracy. You're an inspiration to all writers. If you haven't had the chance to read Tracy's story, stop by the Winter 2007 Flash Fiction Contest Winners Page and check it out. I know you'll enjoy it.
Labels: flash fiction winner, short story, Tracy Horan
I loooved your interview! I so pictured your happy dance... complete with the running man, LOL. I can actually do a mean running man... Maybe we should have a dance-off! I'm sure your kids would love that :-)
Thanks for a wonderful interview and your honesty, you're an inspiration. I love your style.
Big hugs,
I loved your responses, too. But I especially loved your final words on writing as "a balm, a salve, and a great comfort." The "free therapy" fills a huge gap inside of me also. Thanks for your thoughtful reflections. I look forward to your future writings!
My thoughts were so similar to everything that you had written. Wow, there really are other quirky people out there, like me, (lol)(jumping up and down in glee). I loved your story. I actually laughed out loud! You truely have a gift for writing. Thanks!
I am one of the fortunate readers that get the privilege of reading Tracy’s works frequently. As a friend of Tracy’s, she has been sharing her stories with me since she started her college courses. I have seen her grow as a writer. Not only has her writing skills improved, but also her confidence in herself. She has a wonderful gift and enjoys sharing it with others. Her stories have made me laugh, they’ve made me cry and made me realize what a truly unique person she is. I, as many others, look forward to many more of the fun-loving stories of Tracy Horan, the writer.
Congrats Tracy!
Out of all of your work I have read, "Whitewater Romance" tops the list. Not surprised at all that it made the contest top ten.
For those of you who don't know her, Tracy is an inspiration to us all, never failing to offer solicited and unsolicited advice, and words of encouragement in times of desperation.
I only hope she remembers us, her fans and fellow aspiring writers, when she sits atop that New York Times Bestseller's List. It will happen, the only question is when. Maybe with a free ticket to Benihana's? Meet you there, whenever you say, and leaving the husband and kids at home.
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